About this Blog

This blog is created as a medium to sharing my thought, my life and to write anything i want...
I will try to add some useful information in this blog...
Let's assume this blog as a medium of learning...

I bear witness that there no other God except Allah, and , I bear witness that Muhammad (pbuh) is a servant of Allah and His Messenger...

Monday, February 28, 2011

Kite Competition and German Deli....

Kite competition...

hehehehe... hari sabtu lepas, saya dan rakan2 bermain layang2...kami bermain layang2 di hadapan padang hostel kami.... sungguh seronok sekali...keriangan jelas terpancar di muka saya dan rakan2...hahahahha...mantap x?

btw, KAED ada organize kite competition and we took part in it....nak cerita sikit tentang layang2 ni.... sebenarnya nak buat layang2 sendiri...we did make it...ada la buat 2 layan2..tapi satu ja berjaya dinaikkan.... tido lewat kot masa buat layang2 tu.. petang tu, teman hafiz g ambik buuh kat blakang mahalah dot dot dot.....

pastu, malam tu lak g meeting kat mahallah halimah...sampai koi 11 lbih gak.... balik solat, pastu contact hafiz, tanya ada bnda tak yang saya perlu tolong..... ada la bnda kna tolong...so, dalam pukul 12 lbih tu, saya dan hafiz sama2 la g ke tv room untuk raut, or macam ekjas buluh tu jadi lincin sampai pukul 3 lebih.... huish...seksa...dua orang lak..tambah lak saya tak reti sangat meraut ni, so tolong apa yang mmpu la....

balik ja bilik dekat pukul 4, so apa lagi, ingat x nak tido, since ada klas pukul 8 pagi... tapi akhirnya tertido juga...letih kot....nasib la sebelum tetido tu pandai wat back up plan...suruh someone gerakkan...suruh ramai gak, tapi nasib baik ada someone dia cakap dia termiscall....bagus gak dia termiscall tu...baru la saya tersedar... thanks ek kepada orang tu..nnti saya cari kamu lagi..hehehehehe..jahat gila aku...

pergi klas and habis ja kelas, balik rehat2, ttdo 1 jam pastu dikejutkan bunyi mesge dari hafiz ajak lekatkan wau..bayangkan, event start pukul 2, pukul 12 baru nak start tampal wau...perh..hebat.... skip la semua proses tu..jom tengok gambar..

pedih tangan kena tali...huhuhu..baju hijau tu hafiz

ni lah gambar2 yang diambil masa kite competition tu...

German Deli
ok, harini, hari ahad...ada meeting ngan mahallah ruqayyah... habis meeting, sepakat la saya, hafiz, azfar ngan paan kuar makan kat luar...azfar ar cadangkan german deli ni...saya tak tau langsung..yang evoke dengan cafe mahallah ja..hahahaha...

kat German Deli tu, azfar ngan hafiz makan BMW...paan mkan Megatron... saya???? x ingat nama...ingat kod ja...saya makan HB 01....hahahhaha...sengal gila tak tau nama makanan...hahahahha
ni la burger yang saya makan tu...agak kenyang gila....nasib baik x makan megatron...lau x, dah pecah perut.... megatron tu 0.% kg kot...perh....gila hebat...huhuhuhu...

dah pukul 6....bangun lah semua umat manusia....ok, harini hari meletihkan...klas dari pukul 8 sampai 7(maybe la)..mampos aku....

p/s: thanks kat hafiz yang x tido hari sabtu tu coz menyiapkan wau tu...saya juz main ja....btw, we won...Alhamdulillah..

ah, satu lagi, aku ja participant yang bermain wau sambil earphone melekat kat telinga...bermain wau sambil mendengar lagu...layan feeling kot...ahahhahaha


Forgiveness does not always lead to a healed relationship. Some people are not capable of love, and it might be wise to let them go along with your anger. Wish them well, and let them go their way.

Reveal not every secret you have to a friend, for how can you tell but that friend may hereafter become an enemy. And bring not all mischief you are able to upon an enemy, for he may one day become your friend.

these quote was taken from profile my fren...yang mana aku komen kat friendster dia,... btw, lepas habiskan assignment Pakistan, i thought nak rehat jap... buka emel... then, tertengok bslik message frenster anta...

4 sure, i missed those moment... feeling like crying...hahahha..but, x crying la...so, dah boring and malas nak tido, aku buka la page2 mmber aku kat frenster tu and tengok2.... hum..bnyak yang dah berhijrah ke fb.... seems like people tend to buang bila x guna...which kena batang hdung sendiri,....

so, bila dah jalan2 kat frenster tu, ada yang gembira..ada yang sedih...ada yang buat aku sedih...which dot....dt...dot... hahhahaha...rahsia.... banyak gila aku berahsia.....

based on my frenster, i think, i was talkative dulu....bnyak ja aku kacau orang...mungkin masa tu masa usia remaja kan...nak cari la seseorang kan...hahahha..tapi hampeh...x dapat sampai skang....hahahah....juz let it be as it is....hahhahaha....

or maybe masa tu ada orang nak kat aku, cuma aku ja x realize kan/???coz mungkin aku sibok cari orang len....hahahhaa....dua paragraph ni aku saja ja melalut...menceriakan hati...hehehehhe

cinta....suka seseorang?????yup, setiap orang ada perasaan tu....hahahahha... tapi, kita tak bisa memiliki cinta.... kerana cinta bukanlah objek....apa aku merapu ni...dah2....stop... xnak cakap tntang frenster lagi....

btw, leil sa'eid...hulm helwa....



how are u????hope u all in the good shape... today, i am going to share a knowledge about Pakistan....but, i wont upload all my work, as i am feared someone might plagiarized it.... so, i will share with u about the history of Pakistan.... and i will cited the link that i have used in doing my assignment....

Pakistan, an acronym, was originally thought up in England by a group of Muslim intellectuals. P for the Punjabis, A for the Afghans, K for the Kashmiris, S for Sind and the “tan”, they say, for Balochistan.[1] This term is believed has been invented in 1933 by a group of Punjabi Muslim students at Cambridge University.[2]

Historically, Pakistan was under the territory of India, but, due to idea of Pakistan by Iqbal, where basically the idea is to establish an Islamic state as quoted by Liaquat Ali Khan in the Constituent Assembly of Pakistan that is:

“Pakistan was founded because the Muslims of this sub-continent wanted to build up their lives in accordance with the teaching and tradition of Islam, because they wanted to demonstrate to the world that Islam provides a panacea to the many diseases which have crept into the life of humanity today”[3]

The emergence of Pakistan was come from the ideology of two nation that proposed by Muhammad Ali Jinnah (Founder of Pakistan, who later died of tuberculosis in 1948)[4]. The idea of two-nation theory, which I believed was the reinterpretation of Sir Sayyid’s theory:

“Sir Sayyid’s theory was that Muslims and Hindus represent two distinct nations and he expressed a prophetic fear that open hostility might result in the future.”[5]

On July 14, 1947, House of Common passed the India Independence Act, by which two independent dominions were created on the sub-continent which are the area of Punjab and Bengal. However, the eastern wing later separated and form a country named Bangladesh on 26 March 1971. Basically, this is the chronology or background of a country named Pakistan.

Geographically, Pakistan is located at Southern Asia, bordering the Arabian Sea, between India on the east, and Iran and Afghanistan on the west and China in the north. The total area of Pakistan is 796, 095 sq km which consists of 770, 875 sq km of land and 25, 220 sq km of water. The population of Pakistan is estimated of 184, 404, 791 and almost 95% of its population is Muslim, while other is 5%.[6]

[1] Making Sense of Pakistan By Farzana Shaikh (Published by C. Hurst & Co. Ltd)
[2] Subalterns and Raj, South Asia since 1600 by Crispin Bates,  (Published by Routledge)
[3] PAKISTAN: Its Ideology and Foreign Policy by Arif Hussain, (Published by Frank Cass & Co. Ltd.)
[4] Subalterns and Raj, South Asia since 1600 by Crispin Bates,(Published by Routledge)
[5] PAKISTAN: Its Ideology and Foreign Policy by Arif Hussain, (Published by Frank Cass & Co. Ltd.)

 have a nice day.....:-)

Friday, February 25, 2011

The Story of A Book


A Book...

I used to write everything in a book...
I used to to draw everything in that book...
I used to read from that book...

I have spent my time writing about me in that book...
I used to share my feeling with that book...
I used to learn from that book....

Even though
There are many thing i would like to write,
There are many drawings i would like to create,
There are many words for me to read,

Sometimes the writer lost his idea,
Sometimes the artist lost his creativity/touch,
Sometimes the reader gets bored...

As for me,
Every single sentences has its own meaning,
Every single picture has its own interpretation,
Every single paragraph could tell the whole story.

The book is still incomplete,
The book still has empty space,
The book still waiting for an alphabet.

The same book,
Has been closed,
Has been placed in one place,
Has been left untouched.

The lonely book,
Is crying,
Is waiting,
Is hoping.

 Hoping for something,
Something that is uncertain,
Something that is far from reality,
Something that is difficult to have...

The book is Crying, Waiting And Hoping for,
A wind to open its cover and lift up its contents one by one,
A person to open and read the history of the past,
An owner to write and draw a new adventure,thus, creating the future.
Me to be its writer, artist and reader again.

Crying, Waiting, Hoping,
For Nothing (maybe)

even though i got a raw idea to continue the story of this book, but i can't translate it into writing since the ideas are still unorganized. I am sorry to leave it alone as i need to clear my mind for a while.. Dear book, Please wait for me for a while..... Soon, i will spend my time with u: Book.

Got the idea from today's lesson and plus my status on FB...

"i have closed my book.... dunno when i am going to open it again.... i will placed it on one place and let it open itself..."

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Surah Ar-Rahman


First of all, Alhamdulillah coz i am still breathing....

tonight juz like other night, where i am spending my time on the net.... i am searching for peace as my mind quite "serabut sikit"...

i opened my book, Inter Micro and managed to read 10 pages...though i got more chapters to be covered... As usual, before this, when i am sad, sometimes i keep it by myself...

Then which of the favours of your Lord will you deny? (Chapter 55, verse:13, 16, 18,21,23,25, 28, 30, 32, 34, 36, 38, 40, 42, 45, 47, 49,51,53, 55, 57, 59, 61, 63, 65, 67, 69, 71, 73, 75, 77.) This verse is repeatedly said in holy Quran. What does it implies? Are we "kurang bersyukur"? or it is a nature of Insan which has another meaning as forgetfulness.

it has been a long time since the last time i read His words, hear the recitation of His words... before this, i read His words when i am sad, in down state, frustrated (which i used to experience this years back ago).... when we lose something or we encountered with a difficulties, we always "mengeluh".. which is not a good practice... it shows that we never appreciate what Allah has given to us....

Recall back the khutbah given by Dr Abu Ameenah Bilal Philips during the friday sermon on 18 feb 2011....  He said that Allah is the Great Planner... For me, i used to so called "mengeluh"..... Since i have lost many things.... Since i was born in the family in the rural area, working as rubber tapper to meet the end needs... I got jealous with other who are in better shape than me....

They are able to get what they want...

The so called "kehilangan" has affected my life... I have lost many things and at the same point, i got used to it as i believed that The Great Planner has another plan for me.... A better plan, i would say....or the most perfect plan for me...

Alhamdulillah, tonight i was remembering the past, messaging with someone about the past, about our stories that we shall keep it closed and locked it in our heart's box.. quite glad that situation happened to us... where we thought it was not a good decision, and also we did "was-was" about the decision.... Truly, Allah knows everything better than us... Even though i did make a silly judgement, however, if Allah said "Be, and it is"... Nothing can goes against it.... If i did make silly judgment as i did frustrated, but later on, i put my trust to Allah as i had done the effort.. i have given the best i got....

For the past few weeks, i might concentrated on my worldly matter, and glad that i was reminded by Dr Abu Ameenah Bilal Philips during the sermon, which it make me think back bout what i have done....

Then which of the favours of your Lord will you deny?

 this verse surely give an impact in my life.... juz get ponder bout this verse by yourself.... when i am in miserable situation, i will try to hear the recitation of this surah....

this post is not a post to show that i am such a good person,... we know that our iman increasing and decreasing....

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