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This blog is created as a medium to sharing my thought, my life and to write anything i want...
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I bear witness that there no other God except Allah, and , I bear witness that Muhammad (pbuh) is a servant of Allah and His Messenger...

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Makanan yang dilarang jual di Kantin sekolah..


Assalammualaikum…… isu ni agak menari minat saya untuk memberi sedikit pendapat…sekarang ni, blogger boleh member pendapat..harap pendapat yang bernas…. Em, pertama sekali, perlu ka tak untuk melarang sesetengah makanan dari dijual??? Dalam isu ini, antara makanan yang dilarang jual antaranya:
Mi segera
Gula- gula dan coklat
Konfeksi ais dan aiskrim
Makanan yang mengandungi perisa dan pewarna tiruan
Burger, nugget, hot dog.
Makanan jajan yang mengandungi permainan
Aneka jenis jeruk
Makanan luput tarikh
Minuman beralkohol
Minuman berkarbonat
Teh dan kopi.

Ok, pada pendapat saya, wajar juga dengan larangan ni…. Cuma saya tak bersetuju dengan larangan penjualan teh, kopi dan jeruk tu… tak ketinggalan juga nasi lemak… bagi saya, saya rasa makanan ni jangan la dilarang..sebaliknya perlu dijual secara berkala…maksud saya macam selang sehari ada makanan ini…. Apa relevan lak melarang the dan kopi??? Bagi saya ok ja minuman tu…. Yang perlu dipantau peniaga tu sendiri..takut dia guna serbuk the dan kopi berulang kali….

Hum, kadar obesity dalam kalangan murid sekarang ni memang agak membimbangkan juga…. Kerana cork pemakanan akan mempengaruhi cara pemikiran, kesihatan otak seseorang tu…. Budak2 sekarang ni bukn macam budak-budak dlam era 15 tahun lepas…. Masa dulu boleh la dikatakan fast food masih lagi dalam tahap infant…. Tak maju sangat la… lagipun, budak2 dulu makan makanan yang ok la…Cuma sekarang ni, makanan semakin pelik…dengan mi segera nya….

Saya tak makan mi segera ya…dalam setahun tu leh kira dengan jari berapa kali saya makan…. Mak saya sendiri pun tahu saya x makan sangat… kalau dia masak mi segera, saya keluar la beli roti Gardenia or biskut apa2… walaupun se”sengkek” mana pun saya, saya aan cuba jauhi mi segera…. Saya Berjaya la juga tak amalkan makan mi segera dari sekolah menengh samapai sekarang.. Alhamdulillah…

Kemudian, lrangan penjualan makanan jajan tu amatlah bijak…. Makanan jajan tu bukan sahaja tak baik, tak sihat, tapi kerana makanan jajan yang mengandungi permainan tu yang menyebabkan kanak-kanak membuang duit….. diorang beli makanan tu sebab nak mainan ja…. Satu, diorang buang duit dekat benda tak berfaedah dan satu lagi, diorang membazir… kebanyakan budak-budak akan buang ja makanan tu… yang penting, diorang dapat mainan… dah la buang makanan, pastu tak buang dalam tong sampah pula… apa akan jadi??? Sampah pon semakin bertambah… ada sapa kisah tak tentang sampah tu???? Tak ramai… akibatnya nanti, semakin banyak jangkitan, penyakit…. Sapa susah? Pembayar cukai juga bising…. Ya la… duit diorang lesap untul kerajaan lawan penyakit…. Pastu mula la cakap sana, cakap sini… harap faham…

Nasi lemak.. perlu ka tak untuk dilarang jual….. bagi saya, tak perlu kot….kalau berkala tu ok la….pihak peniaga dan pembeli better off la juga….

Corak pemakanan kanak-kanak man sekarang ni akan memburukkan mereka dalam jangka masa panjang…. Um, macam ni, dekat sekolah dah la ambik makanan tak berkhasiat…. Lepas tu, balik sekolah, masing2 mengajak ibu bapa pergi ke KFC, Mc D, Pizza Hut dan sebagainya…. Macam mana otak nak berfungsi kalau makan makanan yang x berkhasiat?? Alhamdulillah sebab saya dilahirkan dalam keluarga yang tak kenal fast food…. Masa saya mula masuk matrikulasi baru saya kenal dan tahu nak makan fast food…. Sebelum ni, order or nak masuk pun teragak-agak….

Langkah larangan ini sejajar juga dengan matlmat kerajaan untuk melahirkan ramai cendiakawan berilmu @ PhD. Untuk melahirkan pakar dalam bidang ilmu, corak pemakanan memainkan peranan yang penting…. Jesteru itu, saya agak menyokong tindakan ini…

Namun, adakah langkah ini akan berjaya? Hm…. Boleh berjaya kalau ada pihak yng memantau…. Dan mungkin masih lagi di tahap lama jika peratran ini hanya diperkenalkan dan diaktakan tetapi tiada pihak yang memantau pelaksanaannya….

Dan pemantauan perlu lah berkala bagi mengelak para peniaga daripada berpura2…. Jika tk mmatuhi peraturn ini buat kali prtama,tegur la dulu, kali kedua mungkin leh denda, kali ketiga, rasanya, leh tukar peniaga….

Dari perspektif peniaga pula…. Peniaga inginkan keuntungan… itu objektif peniaga… apabila peraturan ni diperkenalkn, saya rasa, ramai penaga yang bengang kerana priuk nasi mereka diganggu… pengilang makanan tak berkhasiat ni mungkin akan mengalami kerugian dan akhir gulung tikar… ada kemungkinan juga peniaga akan meletakkan kadar yang tinggi untuk makanan yang tak dilarang… benda ni perlu juga dipantau.. kalau tidak, penzaliman akan berlaku…

Pembeli? Apa reaksi mereka? Bagi kanak-kanak, sudah tentu mereka tak suka… ya lah, makanan mereka sukai sudah tidak dijual lagi… ibu bapa? Mereka mungkin sdikit gembira kerana wang saku yang perlu diberikan akan berkurang… sebelum ini RM 2, untuk makanan tak berkhasiat sekali… seleps larangan, mungkin hanya RM 1.50 sahaja… mungkin berlaku….

Saya rasa, saya nak conclude….. kebaikan yang saya nampak, ibu bapa akan mnyediakan sarapan kepada anak-anak mereka… pembuat kuih-kuih tradisional akan mendapat permintaan…amnya, boleh dikatakan kuih tradisional kembali hidup…. Banyak jenis kuih tradisional yang dilupakan… banyak kebaikan lagi, Cuma saya tak larat nak menaip lagi…huhuhuhuhu… fikir sendiri ek kebaikan yang lain….

Saya rasa setakat ni saja kot…. Saya pun tak larat sangat dah ni… ini ja termampu….hehehehe….

p/s: saya beli paper Berita Harian ja hari ni, so, analisis saya berdasarkan berita harian ja... link kat atas tu, ada yang saya baca dan ada yang saya skip sbb time constrain....:-)

Saya Seorang Penggembara.

Saya seorang penggembara.

Hai…  assalammualaikum…. Harini last date saya…setelah 6 kali berdating dengan HKL, hari ni HKL minta clash ngan saya…hehehhehe… btw, I am discharged…. Alhamdulillah….
Pagi ni, macam biasa….heading out without taking breakfast…. Appointment pukul 9 pagi, tapi tunggu bas, bas muncul pukul 8 lebih2…. Sampai dekat HKL bahagian ortopedik, dalam pukul 9.05 pagi…sampai2, bagi kad appointment dan terus g x ray…. Btw, kali ni saya x kena tunggu lama untuk x-ray…kejap… tapi, dekat sejam lak kena tunggu masa nak jmpa doctor.. nasib baik diorang pasang movie..layan juga la movie tu..hehhehehe…..

Jumpa dengan doctor tu, cakap2, dia tanya ada rasa sakit lagi x…. saya jawab ada lak juga rasa sakitnya…. Pastu soh gerakkan tangan n dia tekan kat tmpat patah tu, dia tanya sakit x…saya jawab kata tak… pastu dia ambik x ray n g jumpa doctor lain…risau juga time tu bila dengar nasihat doctor sebelum ni…huhuhuhu….
Pastu, doctor tu datang dan gtau yang tangan dah ok….tulang ja patah dan nasib baik saluran darah saya tak putus….. btw, info harini, doctor tu cakap, saluran darah tu dia curve balik…meaning, sampai ja hujung jari, dia akan u turn balik…satu info untuk sya yang tak tahu tntang medic…hehehhehe…. kalau saluran darah putus saya kena operate la...
Setel semua tu, terus pergi kat ATM…nk withdraw duit…. Coz currently ada 20 ja..tlolak 5 ringgit caj hospital..tapi, atm lak rosak…hum... lepas tu trus g dekat vendor machine and buy mocha….hehhehe…sedap…. harga, 80 sen…hahaha..mmg bawa syiling siap2…. Masa minum tu, saya rasa macam nak bawa balik ja machine tu…btw, I really hope ada machine tu kat uia…. Mesti tiap2 pagi n lewat malam saya akan beli…. Seriously….

Habis ja minum, terus bergerak and pergi ke monorail chow kit…. Pastu turun dekat bukit nanas….. ha, masa ni la saya jadi tourist…. Tak tahu nak pergi mana time tu…. So, jalan2 n terpandang la pusat pelancongan… apa lagi, terus pergi terjah la…tengok apa yang bez….dalam tu ada air con lak….mmg bez la nak berehat… so, ambik brochure2 n baca2 sikit…. Dalam bangunan tu, dekat kaunter, saya nampak ada kasut gergasi… kasut tumit tinggi… kalau saya baring dalam tu pon muat….nanti saya tunjuk gambar… lepas puas berehat n habis kan baca satu kolum akhbar, saya kuar la..badan da x panas…hehhehehe… kuar tu ingat nak g tengok2 lagi sekitar pusat tu, tapi malas lak… so, pergi kat luar and tengok bullock cart….hehhehehe…. yang kasut ni asa nya bersempena dengan shoes festival 7 april aritu.. yang prof jimmy choo tu..huhuhu

Selesai ja dengan pusat tu, saya meneruskan lagi perjalanan ke mana pon tak tau…main jalan ja..ikut ja kaki ni melangkah…. Jalan punya jalan, terpandang signboard komplek kraft… dalam hati mmg nak pi situ pun…. Btw, signboard tu pun tunjuk KLCC…. So, hentak kaki dan teruskan berjalan….hehehhehe…. bez juga sebenarnya…. Saya nampak KLCC dulu, so, saya masuk la Twin tower dulu….masuk withdraw duit sikit dan jalan2 tanpa hala tujuan dalam tu… dah cemuih, keluar g KLCC… tapi x pon….sampai sekerat jalan dan nampak pokok ni, berenti jap dan baca tentang pokok tu…. Pokok tu nama pokok kelat jambu…. Ni info pokok tu….

Kelat Jambu Laut/ Kelat Jambu from family Myrtaceae.. PLACES:  in Peninsular Malaysia, Singapore, Thailand, Myanmar, Vietnam and Australia… The plant can be found in the rural area, beach area…This plant is useful in making boat or houses.. In Singapore, it was used as a barrier for fire due to the thickness of the wood…. (translate bodoh2)… nanti baca kat gambar kat bawah…hehhehehe….

Oleh sebb malas nk teruskan perjalnan ke KLCC, saya keluar balik ke pintu masuk twin tower tu dn mula mencari kompleks kraft tu…. Saya tawaf satu area KLCC tu, smpai ke main entrance KLCC tu, tapi tak jumpa gak kompleks tu…. Dah nak give up dah… pastu nampak lak signboard yang tunjuk komplek kraft…saya ikut ja arah signboard tu…pastu, lost…. X da signboard dah and I am end up being in Pavilion….. what in the earth I am doing there…. Ok, saya masuk ja Pavilion tu, and tengok semua kedai shopping ja…. aDoi…terus kuar…masuk ja nampak Gucci n etc…. saya nak buat apa… saya bukan kaki shopping pon n kurang duit…hahahhaha…kuar la, nak g berjaya times square, tpi perut ni asa perlu di isi….jam handset menunjukkan pukul 1.10…. ap lagi, mencari KFC la untuk makan…. Order set c dan makan…

Masa nak blah n continue my journey in the land of foreigner, ada lak seorang uncle ni…. Chinese…tanya saya ada orang x kat situ, saya cakap tak la… ah, then, our conversation pun bermula…. Uncle tu tanya saya tentang forex…dia promote la kiranya…. Since dia ni macam representative men forex….. ok, I am nt interested sangat la ngan forex tu, since saya tak sure lak dengan Islamic perspective untuk bidang tu…. So, saya layan ja la uncle tu… since I am taking economist, I trying to come out with discussion on currency…. Seperti mana kita sedia maklum sekarang, duit Malaysia semakin kukuh dengan nilai dollar… satu dollar US bersamaan 2.995 kot….x silap la…highest gak…before diz satu dollar bersamaan RM 3 smthing…. Tapi, uncle to more prefer to talk about how to make money via forex…. Layan ja la..huhuhu….dengar gak kata2 dia… btw, analogi dia agak bagus untuk menjerat orang main forex…hahahhaha… dia ada gak nasihat suruh independent…. Maksudnya, berdikari la…. I think, most Chinese are independent maa….. quite a good reminder….. so, sebelum berpisah tu dia tanya saya la….mana u punya girlfriend, buddies ka…. Saya jawab, I am travelling alone…hehehhe… ingatkan dia nak recommend anak dia…hahahhaha….selingan ja ek…. Saya explain la kat dia yang semua orang dah balik kg…. saya ja tak balik lagi coz ada appointment ngan doctor…. Then he asked me tinggal mana, saya cakap Kuala Nerang, pastu dia lak cakap dia orang Sungai Petani… and I asked him, how long he have been in Kl??? He said 20 years smthing….lama gak tu…. Before berpisah, he said that if I want to know anything bout forex leh la g office dia…dia ada bagi kad kat saya n ada gak la dia kinda joking, if saya master in forex, kitorang leh jadi partner..hahaha… I said, I will consider bout it and we shook hand… saya pun keluar membawa diri lagi…

Ke mana hala tujuan saya???? Saya pun x tau time tu… last sekali, nek ambik monorail n turun bukit nanas, tukar ambik tren ke Gombak…. Sampai ja dekat gombak tu, tnggu bas n masa nak nek bas tu, dia tulis. Kad touch n Go sahaja…ok… damn… forgot my card.. saya tertinggal since pagi tadi saya naik metrobus… cuba nego nak bgi cash ja, tapi driver tu cakap tak boleh…. Adoi… x kan nak beli lagi… so, pergi la pecah duit n beli kad baru….RM 5… hum..marah betul…. Jumpa my fren, nur Azim a.k.a azim..bdak ict…dia pon x da kad, so, saya proposed la biar saya ja beli n nanti kad tu saya jual la kat dia 3 ringgit… then problem setel..problm saya n dia….bt, 5 ringgit tu maksudnya RM 5 sekeping…bukan RM1 lima keeping ek…. Tara…… boleh juga naik bas…. Turun ja dari bas tu, saya jual la tiket tu Rm 3, tapi Azim bagi 4…. Alhamdulillah la…. Rezeki…. Pastu g café ali..dia nak makan… saya ingat nak teman, then teringat kunci bilik MRC x bagi lagi dekat azfar, so, minta diri la dkat azim…huhuhuhu…

Balik tu, kemas2 barang2, masukkan dalam kotak semua…. Perh..banyak gila….buku2… adoi… berkotak2…. Dalam pukul 4 sampai pukul 6 keja angkat kotak tu bawa g bilik azfar..huhuhuhu… berat gila…. Dah la tangan asa sakit lagi, tapi still buat keja bert gak…tu namanya ketegaq a.k.a degil…. Hhahhaha… biasa la…. Budak lelaki mana tak buas….:-)

Malam ni lempar baju masuk machine…hehehhehe…. Duit syiling yang ada bakal dihabiskan… itulah guna nya menabung duit syiling..sesak2 leh korek….. budaya kan amalan menabung ya kawan2…
Hum, lepas ni kurang berblogging skit since saya tak daftar internt…. Btw, tntang internet tu, dekat 700 smething duit saya bayar untuk internet, tapi ran lain yang guna….. ok… benda dah lama,…masa tu saya kat nilai… almost jadi kes mahkamah…. Tapi lepas nego, dapat la setelkan dalam harga 700 smthing tu… saya pon dah g bertegur sapa dah dengan family yang guna tu… since I trust them that they will pay for it, that why saya register atas nama saya untuk diorang guna… lagipn fmily tu dulu kira rumah kedua saya la….. saya lapar ja, mesti p umah fmily tu untuk makan…lewat malam ka, tegahari ka…so, saya kira setel la..equal…duit saya tu compensate untk makan tu…even ometime I did  voluntary work kat family tu… I took 3 years something to visit their house…. Orng mengutuk belkng tu tak payah nak kata apa la…banyak….nak kata saya tak kenang budi ka apa ka, biar la…diorang tak rasa apa yang saya rasa n x lalui apa yang saya lalui… btw, secret shall remains as it is….. x elok sangat nak dedahan keburukan orang… sedangkan kebrukan saya pun tak terjaga…. So, saya dah ok dah, cuma hard la nak bgi kepercayaan…
Saya nk review tentng peraturan kantin pulak..hehehhe…. tara….
See u soon…

p/s: lesson for today are bring maps while travelling and also i think i have to buy watch la....saya tak reti pakai jam tangan...huhuhuhuhu..macam na ek.? 

I am in the state of confusing

First of all..... Alhamdulillah...All praises belongs to Allah..The only Creator... The only God I worship.

I don't know how should I explain my current situation... Truly, I am bit confused.. since today i have received 4 good news, and additional one from my sis while i am writing here....the news should be confidential as it is still uncertain.... however, hearing enough to make i am happy...

ok..total news are 5 good news...Alhamdulillah... but, i faced an uncertain situation which involved with my study... By the way, the good news are more preferable if the uncertain become certain... and i have received a call from my mother, juz a minute ago giving me another news...more or less, quite same with the news mentioned by my sis...

The marginal benefit of the news exceed its marginal cost....So, what decision shall i conclude???? i seeking of staying here (uia) until short sem.... And juz thinking of taking short sem.... hum... The problem is, I did not register for short semester.... I juz made decision of taking short sem after asking my mom opinion.... she agreed...

However, things are not as easy as it perceives... We don't know the future... It is uncertain... It might change... It might result the the opposite one... Yet, the future still there, waiting for me to embrace it... I cant predict the future, but, i can plan and praying for the future.... I do the planning and the decision is made by Him.... Surely, He knows what the best for me... :-)

Life is full of surprise... Full of uncertainty.... yet, the life is beautiful as rainbows.... I am thinking of taking short sem after put into considertion the benefit that i will get... such as, easy for me to deal with admin when it comes to matters regarding my prog... i can learn.... i have a place to stay and i could find a job as to finance my future consumption....

tomorrow, i got an appointment with doc in the morning, yet, i am not sleeping??? this is the reason why i extended my life in uia....
should i register for short semester or should i taking off? means, balik rumah???

Sunday, April 24, 2011

Brilliant Legacy and Coffee House....

A week in the cave... A lonely week... A week dat only me, alone....hahhahahha...apa aku merepek ni???

BTW, korang mungkin akan jadi gila..if korang jadi aku la.... since 18 april, i was alone...in my room...ok...before tu, suasaa dekat uia ni amatlah tenang sekali...x da orang...kosong.... damai...hahahha... dan aku keseorangan kat bilik F2.8 ni.... bertemankan laptop dan external...tak lupa juga kepada kedua2 handset aku yang mampu bertahan almost 3 days without charging...em, round up, i think 4 hari kot aku biarkan nset tu....hahahhaha...kredit??? ok, my celcom had a balance of RM 3.++ la..bawah 3.50.... maxis??  RM 0.10.... and i did berazam x nak topup...ok, saya tak topup.... and currently, celcom Rm 2.47... maxis? still maintain 0.10.... hahhaha...wah...hebat....

btw, i got free sms from mxs, amounted to 50 sms.....dengan free sms tu la dapat aku mereply msg sesapa yang anta kat aku....pengguna maxis..example, pak choi.... broke? i am quite broke.... hahahaha... but, u must enjoy ur life.... kekadang tu, aku terasa gak nak hidup in situation of penniless... ok, i might experienced it right now....hehhehe..

ok, selama seminggu tu apa aku buat untuk x boring di saat aku keseorangan???? credit to cik fatimah hanim yang sudi transfer ceta korea dekat aku.... nasib baik jumpa dia dekat kubur masa ada dinner ngan EU members... time tu bagi external....

so, dalam masa seminggu ni, aku habiskan dua ceta korea...satu ceta yang berepisod smpi 27 or 28 camtu...tajuk ceta tu, brilliant legacy.... quite ok la.... pastu second lak ceta tajuk coffee house.... yang ni ada 18 episod....perh...bangun pagi mengadap ceta sampai lewat malam...tido.... bangun, tengok..macam tu la kehidupan aku selama seminggu ni....em, x sangat la....coz kadang2 tu got distracted bila budak2 ni kol nak simpan barang...memandangkan aku incharge untuk storage.... so, had to bear with it ja...hehehehe.....

alone...something boring juga...tapi, yang bagusnya ada internet...so, hidup aku x la terasa boring sangat...huhuhuhu...leh online bila aku nak....hum, walaupun kekadang x dapt connection..lumrah la tu...

so, back to da story, aku mula layan dua buah ceta ni sampai habis sebab first impression ceta ni mmg berjaya menarik hatiku... em, compared antara dua ni, i love coffee house lagi tau... plot ceta dia, lakonan dan situasi yang diketengahkan tu mmg bez...serius aku suka.... ceta kedua aku suka sangat2 selepas ceta witch yoo hee..

untuk karakter pilihan lak, dalam ceta brilliant legacy, Park Joon Se....dia ok..baik...setia...rendah diri.... berdikari....hensem juga... hidup sederhana....dan lain2..when it comes to love, suka dia punya prinsip...he lives his life with full of appreciation....menilai present tu lebih bermakna... even for a second...a happiness count preciously...more like me.... menghargai apa yang ada sekarang..memberi sepenuh hati pada masa sekarang, even in the future i will be worse off...hehhehe

as for coffee house lak.... aku ska karkter Lee Jin Soo....suka tentang idea dia...cara karakter tu membuli...and for sure the way karakter tu sembunyi kan feeling dia.... and i hope i am able to contoh n buat macam dia....ah, lagu dia pon mmg bez...saya suka....lagu ost dia....

dats all i think... btw, alone sometimes killing...sometimes healing... sometimes it is nothing...

Saturday, April 23, 2011

Book Fair and The Mall.....

"Rindu datangnya dari ingatan,
Ingatan terhasil daripada perkenalan,
Perkenalan terukir daripada sebuah pertemuan,
Pertemuan terbina dari sekuntum senyuman" :-)
idea= book fair...

ok...ayat di atas tu untuk someone....hehehehe... macam mana sya leh come out ngan ayat ni???
saya teringat kat seseorng and then terpandang satu novel dekat tempat karangkraf tu.... lupa tajuk novel tu, tapu hujung dia rindu... masa tu dah terfikir ayat...cuma still lagi dalam raw idea... then, on the way nak g makan, time tu mula susun ayat....

ah, book fair kali ni saya asa x bez.... ya la...end of the semester....meaning, duit da tadak....huhuhuhu...so, saya x leh la borong buku2... tapi, ok gak... coz buku2 sebelum ni x habis lagi baca...heehhehehe...tapi, kelmarin saya beli juga buku... 2 buah...total expenses, RM 4 untuk dua buah buku.... satu harga seringgit, satu lagi harga 3 ringit...hehehhehe....ok la...even buku tu buku out dated, tapi, macam useful ja....lau ada duit, saya dah beli banyak dah buku out dated tu.... macam barang antik la...hehehhee....

macam mana taste saya???pelik kan???hehhehehe.... btw, x jalan habis pon..saya pegi petang...huhuhuhu...jalan2 macam tu ja.... hum, saya ada gambar nak upload...gambar berinformasi ngan gambar sengal...ahhahaha

 napa ngan gambar telefon ni???saja ja....pondok telefon ni warna merah macam dalam ceta superman...ingat nak wat aksi, tapi, it locked...huhuhuhuh

ni gambar patung thailand kot....saya tangkap cepat2 sebab takut tuan kedai ni marah....hahhaaha...

 ah, ni gambar beriformasi...kalau nak tau,klik la....hehhehhe... btw, ni gambar yang tulis ada kapsul masa tertanam dekat The Mall and akan dibuka pada tahun 2087....lama tu.... i might be dead at that time....

ah, ni gambar patung tu....kedai tu dekat atas the mall...jalan nak g surau dekat The Mall...

um, yang tu sahaja kot...hehehehhe.....

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Penilaian Diri Aku

Assalammualaikum/ Greetings...

hum....agak lama juga x mengupdate blog ni....perlu ka saya bagi reason??? banyak reasonnya....dan reason yang para blogger selalu bgi... sibuk..kekangan masa... x da mood... x da bnda nak ceta...ahhahaha

without further a due, jom tengok review tentang saya sebagai seorang headcom....huhuhuhu...7 respondents from 9....huhuhu...

overall ek....
saya seorang ketua yang ok la...ngan rating sederhana.... kadang2 agak membebankan  orang bawahan juga...huhuhuhu...hum, diorang ckap saya menjalankan tugas saya sebaiknya.... i hope so... pastu adakah saya teliti? diorang respon kata agak teliti la....huhuhuhu... cerewet btul saya ni.... adakah saya layak jadi seorang ketua??hum, sedrhana la saya assume...so far ok lagi...saya ni tegas ke tak eh???based on respon, saya rasa saya x berapa tegas sangat la..huhuhuhu...

hum, dari segi peribadi pula, saya suka assume saya ni still on average...based on respon...eventhough banyak bagi respon bagus, i would prefer sederhana...which mean saya kena berusha lagi...em, sama ada sya ni frendly or tak, diorang(mostly) cakap saya agak frendly...tentang pengalaman bekerja dengan saya, seems, ok la...average.....dan sama ada saya professional or tak ni, sya on average....hehhehhe..

overall, saya kena improve lagi.....ah, skang untuk komen n suggestions lak...

saya tanya apa yang saya patut perbaiki....i think, i shall summarized all  kot...hehehhe
basically, saya kena perbaiki communication skill saya, understanding skill saya, presentation skill, tegas sikit...kena light up atmosphere...the last one quite difficult...

saya ada tanya apa yang patut saya kekalkan or maintain....  basically, diorang soh saya maintain yang sekarang ni...macam...sikap frendly, medium person,berfikiran jauh, sikap yang sedia mmberi tunjuk ajar...hum, basiclly, macam tu la...

adakah kamu berpuas hati dengan layanan saya sebagai seorang ketua biro???
hum, answers are, so far, ok...but, there is something i should take note... understanding skill...saya macam kurang memahami diorang....huhuhuhu

as for overall, i am quite ok la...juz need to improve in certain aspects... have to understand more... i will try to be better in the future...thanks all.... realy appreciate that.... thanks to farid, daniel, aiman, tahir, ainul, isti, hajar, sumaiyah and hidayah....


Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Taxation in Islam

Assalmmualaikum... this is a piece of my work and i would say that it is incomplete since i did not cover many subject or discussion, basically the crucial and important... maybe someday i will be able to do it.. hope so,... by the, this assgmnt i shall submit it latest by tomorrow, yet, i just finished it today... bukan saya malas..saya dah wat dah 2 page hujung bulan 3, then pending sampai saya ada mood nak wat balik...hahahhaha... sediakan maknan n minuman sebab saya rasa amatlah panjang...

btw, to those who interested, i think u should read the books in the reference later.

Taxation in Islam
Taxation is one of the sources for government revenue, which also considered as one of the tools of fiscal policy. In public finance, government expenditure is financed through the taxation. We will dwell about the taxation in Islam in more detail later after the basic introduction on tax in Islamic history.

Tax is money that you have to pay to the government so that it can pay for public services.[1] This money later will be transferred to the possession of government as to expense it wisely, which means to transfer it to the benefit of the citizen as a whole through providing public goods, subsidies and a portion on fiscal policy.
Taxation has been practiced during the Islamic era since during the Prophet Muhammad and onwards as one of the sources for government revenue apart from the voluntary contribution as shown by Uthman bin Affan, whom spend his property in cause of Allah. During the time of Prophet, tax system is not as complicated today because the society live during those day were well informed on the teaching of Islam. Thus, many of them were happily spent their property in cause of Allah. Besides voluntary contribution, the Holy Quran names zakah, jizyah and khumus as the sources of public revenue.[2] While, Ibn Taimiyah sums up all the Shari’ah sources of public revenue under three heads as he says: “Government revenues based on the Book and the Sunnah are three types, ghanimah, sadaqah and fai”[3]

The tax system starts to be practiced in more detail and worked out in the reign of the second caliph, Umar. He also introduced tariffs on merchandise being transported for sale in Muslim territory. In the early centuries of Islam, these conventional sources of public revenue were capable of raising enough revenue to finance government expenses. The rates of taxes and taxable items were subjected to change according to the needs of the economy and paying ability of the taxpayers.[4]

The proceeds from taxation are meant to benefit the community and enhance its welfare status. This feat is accomplished as tax revenues in Islam on the one hand contribute to government coffers and permit the state to fulfill its social obligations, while on the other hand taxes redistribute wealth and encourage investments.[5]

We will dwell on the fai or fay revenue, which is more comprehensive and relevant in our current economic situation and can be practiced by the government in this millennium era. Literally, fay or fai, means return of a thing. In legal terminology, it denotes all property received from the enemy without actual fighting.[6] For ibn Taimiyah, all revenue other than ghanimah and zakah fall under this categories which includes the following:[7]

1)      Poll tax ( jizyah) imposed on Jews and Christian (non-Muslim)
2)      Tribute paid by the enemy
3)      Gifts presented to the head of state
4)      Custom duties or toll taxes imposed on traders of the enemy country
5)      Financial penalties
6)      Kharaj
7)      Unclaimed property
8)      Heirless property
9)      Deposits, debts or usurped property whose actual owner is not known and which therefore cannot be returned.
1      Any other source of income.

These are some of the sources that mentioned by the Islamic thinkers and some of them are in the view of accepting the new source of income for government as long as it is Shariah compliance and does not bring harm to the society.

In Abu Yusuf’s book, that is Kitab al- Kharaj, he elaborated the conditions of taxation:-

1.      Charging a justifiable minimum
2.      No oppression of tax-payers
3.      Maintenance of healthy treasury
4.      Benefiting both government and tax-payers
5.      In choosing between alternative policies having the same effects on treasury, preferring the one that benefits tax-payers.[8]

Generally known, in defining the tax base and tax rate, most of the Islamic thinkers were concerned or they given a special attention on the concept of justice and thorough survey shall be conducted in order to make an accurate tax base and tax rate. As for the view of Ibnu Khaldun can be explained through the Laffer curve, which suggest the light rate of tax, will yield more revenue for the government. In the conventional system, the tax structure is divided into three types, namely progressive, proportional and regressive. While, in Islam, as far as I am aware, it is either progressive or proportional. In some extent, the proportional tax rate is more preferable for Islamic thinkers such as Qudama, Abu Yusuf and others.

            The revenue received shall be spent in the right way and the Ibnu Taimmiyyah had suggested some of its expenditure. In this matter, we will focus on the expenditure from fai’ revenue as suggested by Ibnu Taimiyyah. The fai’ revenue should be expense on the expenditure that will benefit the whole society and the protection of the welfare. It is wise to note that, the sources of it are given back to those who are entitled for it. In this case, since the fai’ revenue is collected from non- Muslim, thus non- Muslim also has the right on the portion of its expenditure. 

One of the prime duties of the states is to defend its people from external attack. Even in the modern age, a sizeable portion of public expenditure of various governments is directed to this end. In the age of Ibnu Taimiyyah, defense was of the utmost necessity, in the wake of the crusades and Mongol attacks. He therefore puts great emphasize on the expenditure on army and auxiliary forces.  Aside from zakah and ghanimah, revenue from fai’ should be spent on them. In one sense they are most deserving of fai’ strictly defined (that is, income obtained from the enemy without actual income). War-widows and their children will also be supported from public revenue.
As for internal peace and security, Ibnu Taimiyyah stresses that fai’ income should also be spent on the salaries and wages of those who guard the territory. An example of such expenditure is amount dedicated to “reconciliation of hearts”. According to him, such money can be given both to Muslims and non-Muslims, so that they might accept peaceful co-existence and mischief among them be avoided. Expenditure on police and other peace-keeping forces may easily be included in this category, or they may be counted with the administrative and ministerial machinery of government.[9]

So, its expenditure shall be comprehensive and benefited the payers of the tax. Some of its expenditure is on defense, administrative services, social security, pensions and grants, education, developmental heads and others.[10]

            Even though the taxation in Islam seems to has no difference with the conventional as discussed above, but, the uniqueness of Islamic taxation can be noticed on the distribution of fai’ revenue where the element of justice has plays a vital role. In order to see the advantage in the Islamic taxation, a further study shall be conducted and be applied in the real world. In the economy activities, the role of Shariah cannot be separated in order to protect or stabilize the environment.

[1] Meaning of tax from Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary, International Student’s Edition  7th Edition
[2] Islamic Economics, Public Finance in Early Islamic Thought by Dr Sabahuddin Azmi (page 29)
[3] Reading in Islamic Economic Thought by Abu al-Hassan M. Sadeq (page143)
[4] Islamic Economics, Public Finance in Early Islamic Thought by Dr Sabahuddin Azmi (page 29)
[6] Islamic Economics, Public Finance in Early Islamic Thought by Dr Sabahuddin Azmi (page 73)
[7] Readings in Islamic Economic Thought by Abu Al-Hassan M. Sadeq (page 145-146)
[8] IBID (page 215)
[9] Readings in Islamic Economic Thought by Abu al-Hassan M. Sadeq (149-150)
[10] Islamic Economics by Dr Sahabuddin Azmi (page 127)

Thursday, April 7, 2011

I am Afraid of the Examination


tomorrow, i will face a final examination for Public Finance, and day after tomorrow is Financial Management II....
This is the first time in my life, i am being afraid of examination... Do not know what had happened to me "sampai takut macam ni"...huhuhhuhu....
Basically, i am not type of person who are afraid of examination. that was me, i think. Now, quite different.... Maybe it is becoz i am thinking of pursuing in Master... quite a late decision. baru2 ni ja fikir nak sambung Master.... 

Honestly, since i was in primary skool until past sem, i was not afraid of exam. coz for me, previously, exam is nothing... Coz i am seeking for the sweetness of knowledge.. Thus, i am not concerned about my grade or whatsoever. Coz my ultimate objective at that time is TO LEARN...
However, as we all know that, we are facing the growing up process... we need to be more matured... need to think more broaden.. need to think about other... and a lot of things we need to think... I shall summarized that we should think one step ahead from the present time.,....

Now, as I have widen my mind, i found that i should change my attitude... i hope, it is not too late... Here are the reasons why I am afraid of tomorrow examination:

1) Public Finance, as the name suggests, Public always create problem.. always dissatisfied, always complaints, always and always....and then dump all the "thinking part for us" said gov..... hahahhaa... The reason i cant deal with this subject in positive way due to, I cant understand this subject..
2) this subject consists of many types of tax, theory, structures, effects, benefits and etc...ok?
3) I cant understand the way the text book presented... honestly, i quite confused with the explanation.
4) I am afraid of not able to present to the examiner what i am understnd regarding that matter.
5) i am afraid of not being able to apply the knowledge.
6) afraid of cannt continuing my Master...

banyak lagi yang takutnya....tapi, yang paling penting, saya takut sangat2 dengan exam tu, sebab saya tak faham subjek tu sebaiknya..... saya x dapat nak relate or apply bnda tu ngan real situation.... saya x dapat paham bnda tu berfungsi macam mana.... benda tu yang buat saya amat frust sangat..... saya belajar sebab saya nak faham.... saya bukan nak grade.... tapi, untuk public finance ni, saya faham, tapi, sampai satu ketika, saya jadi confused... 

before diz saya mmg ada fikir nak belajar ja...cuma lately ni saya mula fikir, kalau saya belajar ja, tapi x ajar, x bagi manfaat ilmu yang saya pelajari tu, apa gunanya saya belajar... sebab tu juga saya mula takut dengan exam...

hum, malas merapu lagi...saya nak sambung study lagi sikit wlupun x paham sangat... InsyaAllah akan cerah hati...Amin....

exam....nantikan kemunculan ku yang tidak pernh gentar dengan mu kerana, prinsip ku  yang tidak takutkan semua benda kecuali ALLAH..... akan ku cuba menjaga prinsip ni...Amin..

Sunday, April 3, 2011

Salah Siapa?

entri ni ni mungkin entri yang agak simple.....
Hum, kebelakangan ni, banayk pergolakan antara kita berlaku... kes video, kes buku memoir, kes tarian dan kes policy  dan lain2......

isu video..... satu isu yang agk panas sekarang....hum.... tak tahu la apa nak jadi dengan kita..... bukan saya nak sokong kerajaan atau pembangkang, tapi, untuk orang yang terlibat dengan benda tu, sepandai2 tupai melompat, akhirnya jatuh ke tanah jua.... biar dari pihak kerajaan mahupun pembangkang, kedua2 nya nak buktikan sapa yang benar dan sapa yang salah.....

Kemelut politik semasa nampak macam semakin parah, ada ja benda baru yang dipolitikkan.... hum.... saya pun risau juga..... hampir semua isu nak dipolitikkan.... macam mana kita nak jadi negara maju kalau minda kita tertumpu kepada politik????

masing-masing hanya pandai berkata-kata, meluahkan komen, meluahkan rasa tidak puas hati.... menyalahkan pihak2 tertentu.... muslim sesama muslim bergaduh..... tentang isu video saya x nak kupas sangat...sebab saya rasa saya tak patut bagi keadaan yang sedia teruk menjadi lebih teruk... apa yang saya harapkan, marilah kita berdoa agar kebenaran terbongkar.... serahkan kerja menilai dan menganalisa tu kepada pihak yang sepatutnya.... usahla kita menambahkan lagi spekulasi buruk tu.... kita tak bercakap tentang satu individu dalam hal ni..... kita bercakap tentang apa yang akan jadi selepas kebenaran tu terbongkar.... apa reaksi kita??? apa yang akan kita lakukan???? berfikir la selangkah ke hadapan.... cuba la kita berprasangka baik....

saya sedar bahawa, dalam sesetengah organisasi tu, ada orang yang corrupt.... orang tu la yang memburukkan imej organisasi tu... saya pernah melalui keadaan yang sama, di mana hanya kerana mulut seorang, saya dan sekumpulan orang ni disisihkan,...biarlah benda ni rahsia.... tak baik pula memburukkan orang... biar la orang sendiri mengetahuinya....

pagi ni, macam biasa, buka facebook selepas menulis asignmnt 1 perengan....tertengok la berita dekat malaysia kini tu....tentang Dr M punya buku..... saya x baca lagi buat masa sekarang... tapi, saya sedikit terluka dengan sikap segelintir masyarakat yang komen dekat situ.... banyaknya komen tak puas hati..... tapi, saya hormati semua pandangan tu.... ada betulnya juga dan ada yang saya kurang suka..... satu komen yang saya nak nyatakan kat sini:

Mahathir tu mamak....bukan nye melayu..............ingat tu?

 komen tu still ada kalau tak delete.... saya tak tahu la orang yang post coment ni melayu ka x...sory..tapi, nama macam melayu... em, biar saya buat pengandaian ek.... dia cakap Mahathir tu mamak, ayat macam sindir ja kan???? tapi, mamak ni la yang banyak membantu melayu.... ke mana melayu menghilang???? ramai melayu yang berbicara di warung kopi.... memberi pandangan sesama sendiri di warung kopi, ditemani secawan air kopi.... di kesibukkan melayu tu meneguk secawan kopi tu, mamak jualah yang bekerja membancuh air kopi. menjualnya.. sapa yang untung? mamak tu juga.... bila air yang mamak tu buat tak memanuhi citarasa, bukannya nak ditegur cara baik, tapi, dimarahnya mamak tu.... ditengkingnya mamak tu....bila nak dijustifikasikan, melayu menyatakan dia ada hak pengguna...dia bayar untuk secawan kopi... yup.. u are right... tapi, adakah kamu, melayu yang terkenal dengan sikap sopan santun tu berakhlak baik dengan mamak itu???? pernah kita fikir tentang kesan dari keadaan itu??? melayu dan Islam x dapat dipisahkan... sudah tentu secara tidak langsung, kita memburukkan imej Islam..

situasi ni saya pernah alami, ketika melepak bersama kawan2... kedai mamak dan melayu sukar dipisahkan..... macam sinonim pula.... saya agak terkilan dengan sikap melayu sekarang yang mengejar keadilan, kebenaran, tetapi, mereka hanya mampu menyuarakan di warung2 mamak....

macam tu la sedikit contoh dari saya.... harap paham maksud tersembunyi.... Banyakkan membaca wahai melayu.... banayakkan berfikir melayu.... banyakkan menganalisa melayu.... cuba fahami sesuatu dengan bimbingan Islam..... usahlah kita menjatuhkan maruah Islam.... (peringatan khas untuk saya, terutamanya). cuba lah pilih bahan bacaan yang sesuai.... dari pengamatan saya, secara peribadinya, saya kurang suka sedikit dengan malaysiakini..... kerana saya nampak pendedahannya bukan lagi untuk merawat, tetapi semakin memburukkan.... ini pandangan saya sendiri... saya tak kisah kalau kamu berbeza dengan saya...

selain tu, isu tarian poco2 pun mula menarik perhatian ramai pihak.... hum.... saya sebenarnya agak bersetuju dengan keputusan Mufti Perak.... secara peribadinya.... saya sendiri tak suka poco2.... saya x pernah kenal poco2 sampai la saya ke kem latihan(lupa lak nama kem tu), dah bertahun dah...saya pon terfikir juga, kata melayu ni banyak adat, tapi, kebanyakkannya dah dilupakan...isu poco2 ni, nilai la sendiri... 

untuk kes yang pelajar Malaysia perlu ambik exam Arab sebelum ke Al- Azhar, ada yang x setuju... ada yang kata tu agenda kerajaan.... macam2 la....hum...saya pon dah malas nak ulas lebih2 sebab mood saya dah lari....

hum... situasi yang saya sedang hadapi, melayu, mengkritik kerajaan, pihak tertentu.... memberi pandangan tentang isu2 semasa secara bebasnya... x salah cara diorang... agak bagus la juga... at least depa concern.... bagus2... tapi, saya tiba2 agak x suka, bila diorang memperjuangkan Islam, tapi, minda masih terjajah... menghisap rokok.... tengok benda2 x berfaedah.... menghabiskan masa untuk hiburan.....

saya x boleh hidup dengan environment yang mengandungi asap rokok.... cubalah, at least, g hisap dekat tempat lain.... hum, asanya, benda2 ni saya nak coretkan kat private blog ja.. thanks untukyang secara tak langsung merosakkan mood saya...huhuhuhuhu....

cheer up... saya ada asingnmnt and nak kena stdy untuk final exam... pemalas betul saya.... Sila ubah sikap encik Mohd Hafizullah.....

sebelum mengundur diri, marilah kita berfikir, siapakah yang bersalah untuk semua masalah ini? perlukan kita salahkan kerajaan, salahkan pembangkang? sebelum saya salahkan sesiapa, saya ingin dahulu menilai diri saya sama ada saya ada menolong membaikkan maslah ini atau memburukkan lagi? mungkin masalah ni juga adalah salah saya yang masih kurang ilmu....

see u all soon... take care... semoga Allah memberkati kita...

Friday, April 1, 2011

How You Want To Be Remembered?

Alhamdulillah coz i am still breathing... and before i write down about today sermon, i would like to say" Selamat hari Lahir" to my sister who are currently celebrating her birthday, today on 1 april... hope she is celebrating it and enjoy it... u deserve diz happiness sis...
hum, today's sermon was quite inspiring, though... it was given by a muslim from Canada...i did not pay attention while hearing his name..my bad...my mistake... i should pay attention during that time.... The sermon delivered by him quite inspiring one... for me personally, i love all the reminder that he reminds us through the sermon,..

Hum, he did mention about one question. A question that he was asked by his teacher while doing Master in Psychology in California. He shared the question with us. The question that always motivated us... The question is " How you want to be remembered? What legacies you want to hand down to the future generation?" Which, basiccally, ( i sum up ek) your contribution to your ad-Din, society, the creation of Allah, and everything.. You know this question in its implicit meaning right, so, I hope u will try to find the answer and ponder about this question frequently. I hope, I will think about it more frequent than you do, coz the ears of whom are speaking, uttering something is near than those ears who are listening....

As for me, sometimes. or back then, i did asking myself about my contribution to the society. At first i was quite puzzled....there is many things i want to contribute, but it is not in order... juz like puzzle maybe, everything is scattered. u have to take one, and trying to solve it by its order... Linking one with another, trial and error..  Soon, i realized that, i should start it by easy thing....hehehe... that's why i am blogging.... since i am not good in keeping the hard copy... Sort of a mess...for me... I noticed that, internet has been a important daily life medium of communication.... Em, apart from that, my ultimate goal is, i am trying to understand the knowledge in order to find LOVE.... i dont wanna share about what kind of LOVE that i am seeking.. U all, fikir la sendiri...hehehehehe.....

Blogging.... one of other ways for me to contribute to the society.... One day, what i have written would become history.... by the way, this blog also meant for me to remember back about me, who am I, what iam trying to do....As i mention on the top of my blog, that i am intend to make this blog as a medium of learning... which i always hope some will benefit from my writing, my thought, and everything...

Ok, then, the khatib(the one who gives sermon), he did mention on the story of Abraham, and the story during Khalid al-Walid, and a boy whom only believe on Allah....it was quite a story, which i am forgot bout the story, since i read bout it years before...

There are some question that the khatib share with us, which he hoped that the question is heart-to-heart . hum, let me list down the questions, luckily i wrote in in my handphone...utilize things around u..hehehehe

1)  The objective of our existence? (which i should say, the reason why we were created, the reason why we living in this world and etc)

2) Who are your friend? (basically, for me, this question reflects my surrounding, my environment and with whom i communicate, interact, and others thing that u can think of)

3) Are you really pleased with your relationship with your Creator (Allah)? (Hum, as for me, i am longing to be as the great four caliphs, Umar abd aziz, and hope i am able to follow the sunnah of the prophet... em for time being, i am not satisfied with my relationship with my God... And i also hope that i will never pleased with it as i will increase it until the end of the life...., maksudnya, saya harap saya sentiasa fikir semua yang saya buat tu tak cukup lagi...)

4)  Are you proud of your religion and yourself? (as for me, I am proud of being Muslim, and I am proud of believing in Allah, i do proud of being me as His servant.)

All these question, i wanted to share with my readers, as i want all of us to ponder and thinks about our ultimate goal....

The air conditioner in the lab is killing me... truly, i hate air conditioner.... coz it makes me frozen... even during lecture, i cant stand for air conditioner and wonder why many people love it, while i hate it.. For those who always been at my room, if u all notice that i did not switch on my fan, it means that i am cold...hahahahaha....

When it come for performing the prayer, the imam, which is the khatib himself, remind us "Pray as this is your last prayer" which has touched my heart... and my tears were split out, even it was little.... I am proud that today, I am able to pray in the first line(saf)... i always trying to be in the first line, but, u know, my iman, increasing and decreasing... 

Ok, i have not start study yet...which i need to read about religion, about the basic in christianity and judaism...then Public finance??? many things to read...salah diri sendiri juga x pandai manage masa.....

i hope u all dapat manfaat dari entry ni...

See u soon in next entry or see you when i see you.....
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