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This blog is created as a medium to sharing my thought, my life and to write anything i want...
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I bear witness that there no other God except Allah, and , I bear witness that Muhammad (pbuh) is a servant of Allah and His Messenger...

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Roti Nan.......


Today's story is about a conversation between three parties....consumer+consumer1+ seller.....hehehhehehe....

I should spend my time reading Financial Management book and Fiqh for Economist II, but what i have done was facebooking, reading comic, sleeping and not to forget, eating....the main activity..
.ahahhahha.... Next paper is on 7,8,9 and 11 of november..... heheheehe....for me "lama lagi tu"...

Hum.....Actually, today i was not in the mood of study...... It is not my type to study....I do not know what I should do... Though i wanna start reading, studying and whatever related for the exam, but i just cannot.... I am the type of guy who like to do the things i like ja...huhuhuhu....

Most of the time, i spending time alone....reading comic....watching nightmare of elm street....back to the topic "Roti Nan"...... I assume that today is my another boring day as usual, but, even though it was boring, there will be something funny that can make me smile....make me laugh..... Actually, many things have make me smile and laugh today, however, it was not pleased my heart....

After finished watching movie, i went to cafe coz my stomach had singing a song of "starving"...hehehehe.....So, i ordered 1 roti nan, "bungkus" and at the mean time, there was a guy from yemen approached me and asked me to pronoun "mengajar" to the seller who are Bangladeshian...If i am not mistaken....

I had a fun time with them, even though it was a little chat among us, but, i am quite happy.... the guy from yemen spoke Malay with me or precisely, mixed between Malay and English.... He said, saya ada exam Bahasa Melayu today.... the seller who did not understand it asked back, what does it mean???? The yemen guy replied that it mean "bagus2"...hahahhahha...quite enjoyable moment back then....

Em, i forgot to ask the yemen guy's name... in the way back to my room, i kept thinking, they learned my language, but me?????? it was long time ago, i was earning arabic and i was playing around...never give attention and i got C for my Spm...huhuhuhuhu....Now i realized that I missed arabic.... I did said to the secretary of my bureau, Ainul, she is currently learning Arabic, specifically, she is taking Arabic and gonna be a teacher... I hope she will be able to be a good teacher....hehehehehe.... She did advise me that it is not to late to learn..... I have been thinking of going for arabic class, but, i macam bz ja...huhuhuhu

However, i will try my best to learn it.....wish me ek....


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