About this Blog

This blog is created as a medium to sharing my thought, my life and to write anything i want...
I will try to add some useful information in this blog...
Let's assume this blog as a medium of learning...

I bear witness that there no other God except Allah, and , I bear witness that Muhammad (pbuh) is a servant of Allah and His Messenger...

Sunday, January 30, 2011

Menzalimi Diri Sendiri

Sekarang ni ada sahaja berita tentang kezaliman...Kezaliman rejim Zionis ke atas Palestin... Kezaliman US ke atas dunia.... Kezaliman Pemimpin ke atas rakyat.... Kezaliaman suami ke atas isteri... Kezaliman Ibu ke atas anak...

Topik seperti di atas sahaja yang sering menjadi bualan mulut masyarakat kita... Topik yang laris seperti Goreng Pisang....

Namun, ada juga topik tentang kezaliman yang kita sendiri abaikan... Secara specific nya, kezaliman ke atas diri sendiri..... Kezaliman kita ke atas tumbuh-tumbuhan dan haiwan... Kezaliman kita ke atas kerohanian kita....

Kezaliman yang kemudian itulah yang sering saya lakukan.... Yang saya sendiri tak sedari... Yang saya sendiri abaikan... Yang saya sendiri kurang memberi perhatian.....

Hari ini, Kelmarin dan hari Khamis yang lalu, saya ditegur dengan kondisi saya.... Hari ini, saya merenung tajam ke arah anak mata saya sendiri.... Secara jujurnya, saya mengakui, saya sendiri takut melihat mata saya yang merah menyala bagaikan biji saga... Ya Allah... Aku telah menzalimi diriku... Saya menyedari kesalahan saya yang tak memberi rehat yang cukup ke atas tubuh saya.... Organ saya, mata, dan semuanya untuk berehat... Hampir satu minggu lebih saya sering tidur awal pagi...dalam pukul 4 dan ke atas dan bangun seawal 6.45 ke atas....

Kelmarin, saya ditegur oleh Farid Adnan semasa keluar ke Low Yat... Dia cakap, "aku takut tengok mata ang"... Masa tu, mmg agak rasa bersalah dekat diri sendiri... Thanks Choi for ur concern... Appreciate that.. Very much...

Hari Khamis, ditegur dan diberi nasihat supaya dapat tetapkan waktu tidur... Organize waktu tidur dengan baik.... Saya dapat nasihat supaya tidur dan bangun semula dalam pukul 4 pagi.... Terima Kasih untuk kamu yang memberi nasihat... Saya akan cuba untuk berbuat sedemikian...

Pagi ni, bangun tidur ja, taik mata sangat la banyak...sehingga saya tak mampu untuk membuka mata....terlalu kuat.... Saya andaikan itu adalah air mata organ, tubuh badan saya ketika saya sedang tidur...mereka mungkin dalam kesedihan apabila saya memperlakukan mereka sebegitu.... Maafkan saya yang terlalu mementingkan diri...

Zalim merupakan kalimah bahasa arab yang boleh diertikan juga sebagai sifat kejam, bengis, tidak berperikemanusiaan suka melihat orang dalam kesakitan dan kesengsaraan, melakukan kemungkaraan, penganiayaan dan perkara yang bertentang dengan akhlak dan fitrah manusia yang mulia....(di ambil dari http://www.rrg.sg/edisi/data/Idealogi%20Zalim.pdf).. untuk mengetahui lebih lanjut dan kupasan tentang zalim, boleh la refer ke link yang diberikan.. di dalam PortableDocument Format (pdf) ni ada disertakan dengan hadith dan ayat Al-Quran untuk kita berfikir sejenak... selain itu, link ni pun berguna juga... http://www.e-bacaan.com/kalimat_zalimA.htm

Andai kita memahami konsep zalim secara luasnya, kita akan sedar, sebenarnya, kita banyak menzalimi diri sendiri... Kadang-kadang, kita menangguh diri dari makan, walaupun perut kita dah berbunyi... Kadang- kadang kita menzalimi organ kita.... Aku juga tidak lepas daripada berbuat demikian... Hinanya aku... Walaupun sering ku diingatkan dengan pelbagai peringatan, namun, aku masih lagi leka dibuai keseronokan dunia yang sementara... Aku tidak tahu apa yang aku cari dengan dunia ini... Ada ketika nya aku kebingunggan dengan tujuan penciptaan ku...

Akan ku cuba untuk tidak lagi menzalimi diri ku....Andai aku tidak mampu, aku akan cuba kurangkan kezaliman ke atas diri ku... Ya Allah, aku bermohon kepada Mu agar memberi petunjuk kepada ku agar aku tidak lagi menjadi seorang yang zalim.... Kerana hanya Engkau sahaja yang bebas dari sifat sedemikian....

Lastly, saya amat gembira... Alhamdulillah.... sekalung penghargaan saya tujukan kepada Farid, Safwan dan Afiq omar yang bertahan dengan karenah saya..hehehehe... btw, thank u coz helping me in choosing she... now her is mine... quite a right decision to take her... she is just same as my spectacle.... i will protect her and i will never let someone to take her.... She is C305....

p/s: basically, entri ni tazkirah untuk diri saya...dan untuk semua...

Saturday, January 29, 2011

Aku Kolot.......

Kolot...... Berfikiran sempit.... Orang kampung.... Tidak mengikut arus kemodenan.. Ketinggalan zaman.... kuno..

Kolot dalam kamus dewan edisi ke empat membawa maksud sedemikian:
kuno, cara lama (tidak moden), ke­tinggalan zaman: cara ~ yg digunakan oleh petani-petani menyebabkan hasil pertanian mereka tidak memuaskan; adat ~ adat kuno; kaum ~ golongan yg ber­pegang kuat pd adat resam kuno; kekolotan 1. sifat (cara, adat resam, dll) yg kolot (ketinggalan zaman), kekunoan: menghapuskan ataupun setidak-tidaknya mengurangkan ~ dlm masyarakat; 2. perihal kolot (kuno), sifat tidak moden atau ketinggalan zaman (bkn pemikiran, adat resam, dll): pelajaran dan pengalamannya telah dapat menghapuskan ~ fikirannya.

manakala konservatif pula menurut kamus dewan edisi ke empat membawa maksud:
1. bersikap mempertahankan adat, nilai, dll yg telah menjadi kelaziman atau tradisi, tidak mudah menerima per­ubahan: usul supaya sistem pelajaran dirombak telah ditentang hebat oleh pihak ~; 2. kolot, tidak moden.

Dalam term english nya pula, conservative, narrow minded, orthodox, old fashioned, old school...

Ya...aku mungkin kolot... aku mungkin tidak mengikut arus kemodenan.... aku mungkin juga ketinggalan zaman... Biarlah aku dilabel sedemikian... Aku tidak kisah andai aku dilabel sedemikian... Kerana aku sedar bahawa "kolot" itu bagus....

Kadang-kadang, ada sesetengah orang merasa tercabar apabila dia dilabel sebagai kolot, ketinggalan zaman dan yang sinonim dengannya... Mereka kemudian mula mengikuti perubahan zaman yang semakin parah ibarat kanser yang menyerang tanpa kita ketahui... Sesudah parah baru kita mulai menyesal....

Perlukah kita merasa tercabar apabila dilabel sedemikian????? Perlukah kita berubah dan mulai hanyut dalam arus kemodenan??? Perlukah kita mula mengikis sikap konservatif????? Perlukah kita memenuhi tuntutan mereka yang inginkan kita berubah dari berfikiran kolot ke berfikiran moden????? Perlukah kita mengadaikan maruah kita, jati diri kita dan juga AGAMA kita sebagai tukaran untuk tidak lagi menjadi orang konservatif, kolot, kampung, dan ketinggalan zaman?????

Adakah kita sanggup menjual AGAMA kita yang tidak ternilai harganya kerana malu digelar KOLOT????? Jawapannya ada pada diri kita sendiri.....

Kita mungkin perlu kolot apabila ia menyentuh hal-hal berkaitan agama.... Tetapkan pemikiran kita bahawa AGAMA adalah "Top Priority"....

Sekadar tazkirah untuk diriku yang hina lagi berdosa...

Thursday, January 27, 2011

The Story on Facebook......

as usual, facebook is a place for me to see other people's thought....some of them are totally awesome....and sometimes their thought has captured my interest.... well, today story on facebook is about our youth juga la...about the rule and regulation....hehehhehe... lebuh kurang la....

 first of all, this story bukan nak memburukkan certain pihak, mahupun mencari pasal dengan sesetengah pihak....apatah lagi nak menindas sesetengah pihak... tujuan saya published kan kat blog ni adalah untuk kita sama2 fikirkan tentang generasi kita..... this may content with 18 sx, 18 pl...hahahahha....

the sory started with the status of Person A=
Smlm kene tegur ngn pakguard before kelas Public Finance pasal rambut pjg. (Alhamdulillah x kene saman~) Tadi mase beli mknn kt kafe ade pakguard traffic tegur sambil sengih2 "aik dik,rambut tu bile nk potong?kamu kn dh byk kali kene saman" (damn,die igt die pernah saman aku dulu!).Seriously,peraturan x membenarkn guys simpan rmbt pjg tu sgt bodoh..
macam biasa lah... ada ja pengomen setia....contoh macam saya......hahahhaha
Hafizullah Bin Abu Bakar napa lak amat bodoh peraturan itu?????ko cuba bayangkan semua lelaki leh simpan rambut panjang, then , maybe gurl leh nyamar jadi laki...sebab rambut diorang pon pnjang gak.... buat apa nak blajar dekat islamic university kalau nilai islamic tu pu kita x faham....aku asa ang ambik ungs 2050....think sndiri....sory if terasa, but i need to cakap juga on this matter.. 
person A pak lah - org yg bodoh jek xley nk differentiate b/w laki rmbt pjg n pompuan.klo pompuan nk nyamar jadik laki,mane die nk sorok features die yg obvious tu?pakai baju tebal2?still,we can tell the difference. 
Hafizullah Bin Abu Bakar ok....fine.....orang bodoh tak leh bezakan....tapi, sepandai mana pu orang tu, if dia tengok dari belakang ja, dia akan tetap assume orang tu perempuan....so, it means orang pandai juga akan jadi bodoh ikut situasi, keadaan.....mmg we can tell the diference...but, if she is a good at make up, good imposter, we cant....macam mak nyah yang betul2 macam perempuan...boleh kita differntiate kan????except kalau dia dah mula bersuara...macam tu juga kita kena expect from gurl.....sekarang ni pon dah ada pompuan macam laki...so, ur view.. 
person A oh ustaz akhil hayy yg islamic figure tu kirenye menyerupai pompuan la eh?then maybe u could voice out your opinion kt die.sorry pak lah,aku malas nk debate ngn org2 yg narrow-minded.penat. 
Hafizullah Bin Abu Bakar
i am not narrow minded...but i am concern towards my generation who claimed that they are muslim..yet, they do what has been forbidden in islam....sometimes u need to be narrow minded in certain situation....sometimes u need to be open mind...ed... but in this case, i prefer to be so called "narrow minded" or conservative, or orthodox person......ok la, ang pun penat, aku pun x nak la tambah bagi penat lagi.... but do think about future generation.... assume that one day nanti anak ko pun berambut panjang.... juz try to fikir ke hadapan...thats all maybe....sorry if my words seem to be harsh.... 

Here come person B
Person B girls GENERATION katanya!!!!
Person A ,aku sayang ko!pipi temu pipi sket ^_^
Person Bmuah muah.. ooopsie... akhil hayy idola aku k!!! jgn nak bising2 sgt la. moh dgr ceramah abg akhil =) 
Person B kau rasa akhil rebounding rambut dia kat mana ye?  
Person A  jom,demi GENERASI MUSLIM AKAN DATANG.aku suke org cm ustaz akhil hayy.what's the point of looking + acting all righteous n pious klo hati busuk.oh btw,die rebond rmbt skali ngn aku,kt salon Kerastase kt Pavilion.
Hafizullah Bin Abu Bakar i would expect that future muslim generation going to be more liberal and more secular if the idea of the next generation is based on today situation....why dont we back to basic????? at the time of Prophet???at the time of Ibnu Khaldun, the four imams???? sedangkan hadith and al-quran dah states that lelaki x leh menyerupai perempuan and vice versa..... and the western are studying about our religion,secara detailed..even single word....and what do they see in muslim world is totally different...
Person A oh dont worry pak lah,my manhood is still secured in spite of my long,gorgeous,envy-inducing hair.thanks for your concern!
Person B  Ini dari apa yg hamba tahu laa, ianya menyerupai wanita kalau MENGIKAT RAMBUT, sebab orang laki2 tak dibenarkan mengikat rambut pasal tradisi itu hanya digunakan oleh wanita. Nabi dahulu menyimpan rambutnya melebihi paras bahu. Dari apa yang hamba dengar pula, orang2 zaman dulu menyimpan rambut panjang kerana ianya dapat dijadikan perisai di waktu perang.
Person A 2 words - I LIKE!paklah,my piece of advice,lain kali klo nk nasihat org,get your fact straight.or else it will backfire,right in your face.
Hafizullah Bin Abu Bakar i can accept that arguments....dulu mungkin dijadikan sebagai perisai sebab dulu perang...sekarang, kalau kita berperang pun, kita berperang dengan senjata canggih....persoalan...relevankah pada masa sekarang rambut dijadikan sebagai perisai?????dan satu lagi, darimana tuan hamba dengar???may i know???coz i really want to confirm this statement...
Person B relevant ke tanya dr mana? ini kan zaman 21st century. ask mr. google sudah~
mmm sunnah nabi tidak boleh dipersoalkan relevant atau tidak. jika begitu tidak relevant lah kaum adam menyimpan janggut, tidak relevant lah kaum adam boleh beriste...ri 4. sesungguhnya Islam itu untuk sepanjang zaman.
Person A exactly.ape yg nabi lakukan tu kn dianggap sbg sunnah nabi,mcm pakai minyak wangi mase nk smbyg,simpan janggut,etc..lagipon sape yg mengikut sunnah nabi kn dapat pahala.jgn nk persoalkan relevance.next time klo nk bentang fakta biar otak tu berilmu.jgn otak kosong tp nk bagi nasihat.get yourself a mirror,please :)
Hafizullah Bin Abu Bakar
i have anticipated this answer.....ok...if we want to talk about sunnah, do we practice all sunnah???/kenapa kita pick certain ja....macam u said kalau simpan rambut panjang ni ikut sunnah....ada lagi sunnah rasulullah yang macam banyakkan ...bersugi, masa makan, minum, solat dhuha and etc....kenapa kita hanya fokus kepada sunnah yang kita suka?????? sunnah rasul untuk beristeri empat tu ok...tapi, kita pernah fikir tak kita ni mampu ka tak untuk berlaku adil atas isteri2 kita??????? rasullullah bangun malam buat qiyamullail....pernah kita ikut sunnah tu?????:-)
btw, i am not really depend on mr google about this matter...coz kadang2 orang yang tulis about can be western people...it is better to find it through printed material...islam memang sepanjang zaman..tapi adakah kita memahami islam sebenarnya????apabila kita sendiri mengutarakan perkataan yang kurang sopan dalam perbualan?????adakah itu amalan islam??? juz words for us to ponder..
Hafizullah Bin Abu Bakar thanks 4 reminder Person A.....appreciate that.... i am still learning and i accept any criticizes and comments coz i know that i am not perfect..... ilmu Allah tu seluas lautan...aku hanya ada ilmu ibarat setitis air di lautan...

Person A well,bak kate peribahasa melayu,sikit2 lame2 jadi bukit.aku bukan insan yg perfect nk practice every single sunnah nabi.ok paklah,i've gotta sign out.ade midterm esok.bye n good luck in your life.
Hafizullah Bin Abu Bakar ok..thanks...good luck 4 ur mid term....
situation was under control because person B dah diam and person A sign out... No one win, no one lose.... but when the Person C come into this discussion. aku rasa macam nak maki ja...tapi nasib bleh kawal lagi...huhuhuhu...mata ku amat terpana dengan kenyataan Person C dan Person A...
Person C  Tak pernah tau plak berdosa simpan rambut panjang....sedangkan sahabat2 nabi dulu pun banyak yg rambut panjang.Selagi ape yg kita buat tu tak bertentangan dengan Al-Quran n Sunnah, it is ok 4 us to do...kata Ustazah n Ustaz mase aku blajar ...PENDIDIKAN SYARIAH ISLAMIAH, PENDIDIKAN AL-QUR'AN N SUNNAH dan tak lupa juga PENDIDIKAN TASAWWUR ISLAM masa form 4 n 5 dulu...Person A pakai make up ke sampai nak kata menyerupai perempuan.?.just the hair...BTW..PersonA pun from religious school n die ade asas agama yg kukuh..so tak perlu la nak mention what is halal n haram...to him....thanx n Salam
Person A thanks Person C!i know,right?aku rase it's ok selagi aku x melanggar batas2 agama.walaupun aku ni berambut pjg whatsoever,aku still igt tuhan n agama.bukannye aku pakai mekap pakai heels pakai skirt.Islam ni agama yg tolerant n emphasizes on moderation.selagi perbuatan kte berlandaskan syariah Islam,ape salahnye btol x?

Person C betul la tu...org pandai kritik jer...padahal diri sendiri ada kekurangan lagi yg perlu diperbaiki...mulut org Mim's kite x boleh tutup...bak kata pepatah "tepuk dada, tanya iman"...
Hafizullah Bin Abu Bakar thanks for piece of advice...
and for the last comment, saya ingat nak cakap saya amat lah kecewa dengan jawapan dari budak religious school....ok...tapi saya x balas pun la kat page person A tu, coz saya tahu, kalau saya balas, benda ni akan lebih panjang dan bertambah teruk...lebih baik saya diam... kejap lagi say tulis komen saya tentang statement person C kat entry ni....

To person C.....I know that u x leh baca ni, but, inilah apa yang saya ingat nak counter ngan anda...
Aku pun budak agama juga...aku pun ambik Alquran sunnah juga....aku pun ambik syariah islamiah juga....ok...tapi, adakah kau faham apa yang kau belajar dalam 3 subjek agama tu???? ah, btw, u might take tasawur kan???aku x ambik sebab tasawur tu macam moral nya subjek....tapi x make any difference pon....u might say x pernah berdosa berambut panjang..aku quite agree..tapi, kalau rambut lelaki tu dah panjang, and from behind memang nampak macam perempuan, salah ke tak lelaki berambut panjang tu?????tetap salah kan????sebb kita x dapat differentiate sama ada dia tu lelaki atau perempuan...as well as  i am concern, the student religious cant take others advice????others view???? hum, ko tu kalau pelajar agama, kau mesti dapat terima advice dari orang....kalau korang faham Islam, islam tu comprehensive....dalam setiap benda ada adbnya,,,,,ko cakap person A ada asas agama yang kukuh...ko tahu x, dia penah ada dalam section aku untuk kelas study of religion...and he has be warned by lecturer to cut his hair or else the lecturer tu suuh dia drop ja...sebab lecturer tu x kan terima pelajar macam tu.... sebab sayang rambut dia, person A drop subject tu....ok....then, dekat facebook dia siap cakap lagi yang lecture tu kolot...this behavior is from student who were in sekolah agama....x da adab ka????x da ka respect dekat lecturer tu???? aku still ada respect, hormat dekat lecturer aku..even aku kena marah, tapi, telan ja... aku kena respect dia...sebab diorang guru aku....ok...tapi, korang yang dri sekolah agama ada mindset macam ni????weh, kawan2 aku yang dok kat kuala nerang yang aku selalu lepak sampai pagi, yang merokok...yang kebanyakkan belajar sampai awal tingkatan satu dan dua ja...pastu berhenti, diorang still respect diorang punya cikgu... aku guarantee that sebab aku penah lepak ngan diorang and keja dengan diorang ok.....kalau cikgu2 diorang g tempat keja diorang, they sambut dengan baik....tanya cikgu tu sihat ka x, nak makan apa( kami kerja dekat warung kedai makan).... diorang tahu menghargai guru diorang...korang yang blaja tinggi2, ambik subjek agama tak kan x leh amalkan akhlak2 yang disuruh oleh ISLAM???? aku mmg respect kat orang yang x berpelajaran agi dari korang yang belajar.....

kinda geram actually.... korang belajar agama dekat bandar...bukan dekat kawasan "kampung" macam aku..... dekat bandar sekarang aku tengok macam liberal and secular ja sekolah agama dia....sesetengah pelajar... for me to blame sekolah tu, x ok la....huhuhuhuhu... kalau korang blajar kat kampung tu, rambut panjang sikit dah puas kena perli oleh orang kampung...dalam situation ko person a, conservative people is th best solution...... ok, person A tu juga selalu buat rebonding dekat rambut dia...and agak mahal la dia punya caj....tapi, kenapa budak sekolah agama sanggup menhabiskan duit dia kat situ..... satu lagi, kalau ko budak kelas agama, u should value the knowledge as treasurer.... bermaksud, ki kena sanggup trade rambut ko dengan ilmu.... tapi mindset pelajar sekolah agama ka macam ni??? sanggup drop subject dari gunting rambut????dude, rambut boleh disimpan....ilmu, nak cari, payah...kita masuk u sebab nak cari ilmu...lau ko x nak trade sangat rambut ko tu, beter ko x yah belajar.... aku agak geram dengan orang yang menjatuhkan prestij agama.... aku pun tak tahu nak buat apa ngan orang macam ni...belajar agama, tapi x faham agama... benda ni yang aku risau...coz lama2, bila dah berkahwin orang macam ni mungkin didik mindset anak dia macam dia... lepas tu, kawan2 anak dia tend to follow that kind of mindset... lastly, i would expect the muslim society is collapsing... but i pray for God that situasi ni tak akan berlaku...Amin...

hum....one more thing, ko tu student, so u are indirectly terikat dengan rule and regulation.....lau rule dengan regulation pun ko tak leh ikut sangat.... i would assume that u are lack of discipline.....ok..... mala nak mencoret lama2...alau aku mencoret lama2 tentang hal ni, makin aku geram....lagipun dah pukul 4.30 pagi...huarh...x ngantuk pun...coz tadi dal terlelap dari pukul 12.30 sampai 3.30....bangun2, terus complete kan post about our future leader.... pasni nak study sikit...jumaat ni exam...huhuhuhu...

sama2 la kita doakan agar person2 ni berubah...dan juga doakan kesejahteraan umat islam...amin....
p/s: untuk isu boleh ke tak rambut panjang ni, sila consult dengan orang yang lebih arif lagi.... ustaz and ustazah...banyak orang pun xpa, pastu consult ngan cikgu2 disiplin ka, moral ka, or better tanya orang kampung.....and then, gunakanlah akal sebaik mungkin...deri sudut etika, rambut pendek lebih kemas... now aku dah ingat lak situasi di mana someone suruh aku gunting rambut sem lepas....hehehheeven rambut aku x panjang pon...mybe i look nsem lau rambut pendek dari perspektif she...ahahhaha....acah ja lebih...

Our Future Leader?????????


we are searching for a leader.... we are searching for someone who we can follow... we are searching for a person that can satisfy our needs.... we are searching for perfect person that can make everything seems perfectly in order.... we are searching for someone that follow the characteristics we have listed as a leader.... 

in the middle of this searching, we frequently condemned those leaders who are trying really hard to satisfy our wants....economically speaking, we have unlimited wants, but we have limited resources.... in this case, the resources is the leader.... we only concern about today leader....we sometimes forget that we all is the leader... as mentioned in:

  • “ Behold! Everyone of you is a leader and you shall be asked about those you lead. Imam is a leader over the people and shall be asked about them; a man is a leader of the house and shall be asked about his household ; a woman is a leader over her children and she shall be asked about them.”
    • (Reported Abdullah Ibn Omar in Bukhari and Muslim ). which taken from http://www.slideshare.net/DrYunus/leadership-in-islam
because i do not know where did i put my note which contains this hadith, so i google it up....huhuhuhu...

based on this hadith, we know that everyone is a leader, so, we have to fulfill our responsibilities... yet, we still do not understand the contents..... we are busy to complaint about others.... what i am more concern is about me, myself as a youth that may become a future leader....

we always searching, but we do not realize that we are creating the future leader...someone might understand what i am trying to say, and someone might not understand clearly.... let's me put it into situation:

em, it is better for me to put current situation which sometimes implies my behavior as well as others.... example of today phenomenon, in student's life...

we sometimes criticize a leader who are not punctual, yet, we, ourselves also do not punctual..
we always complaint about the leader, we say they do not doing their job, but, we do not know what the responsibilities being a leader....
we sometimes think that the leader just want a fame for himself "gila kuasa la", but we know nothing...
we said that the way our leader ruled us is injustice....
we said our leader just want to do something that benefited him....
banyak juga yang kita complaint kan??????kita cakap macam2...

ambik situasi politik pula.....
remaja yang taksub dengan parti politik kadang2 bergaduh sesama rakan...bergaduh disebabkan perbezaan fahaman politik....
ada juga remaja yang mengatakan sesiapa yang mengikuti parti sekian-sekian adalah teeettttttt,....we all know it already, so x payah la saya tambah lagi....
ada la juga remaja yang mengata government, ada yang mengata kat pembangkang.... which same goes to me...sometimes saya ada gak kritik kerajaan, ada juga kritik pembangkang, tapi, saya cuba be friend ngan semua...walaupun mereka berbeza fahaman politik...cuma saya tak dapat masuk ngan orang yang ekstrem....contoh, ekstrem kepada government and kepada pembangkang.....

forgot about other, or economically speaking, ceteris paribus.... saya nak highlight kan yang remaja sekarang kerja mengutuk, complaint dan etc tentang leader...sama ada pihak admin, pihak government, pihak ketua kampung, ayah....kenapa ayah ada sekali?????refer hadith kat atas....

kita tak fikir ka kita ni future leader???? beul tak kita tak fikir????kan???

jawapan saya adalah jawapan ahli ekonomi, where we are prefer to say it depends rather than yes or no....  ada remaja yang concern, ada yang tak.... kalau kita concern, kita kena ubah sikap kita..kita jangan tiru sikap yang x baik pemimpin sekarang...daripada kita kerja nak mengkritik tu, apa kata kita kritik diri kita dulu....
kita sendiri pun x pernah nak punctual...kadang2 kerja yang di amanahkan kat kita pun kita delay kan...dan saya mengaku, saya juga tak lepas dari sifat di atas.....macam saya sedang kritik diri saya, but in the macro view....

contoh lagi satu, semasa saya melepak dengan kawan2 saya masa saya tengah jahat or, beter to say tak baik sangat....ada la sesetengah ni mengutuk kerajaan....cakap kerajaan makan duit rakyat dan macam2, tapi diorang tak pernah lak fikir diorang tu merokok dan lain2 benda la...melepak sampai ke tengah malam....(which saya pun macam tu juga....kadang2 tu melepak tak ingat dunia)...

tengok pula situasi politik kampus....masing2 berkempen....masing2 ada yang cakap la yang lau sokong kumpulan ni bagus, sebab pertahankan sekian2....pandai2 la kita judge....tapi, tengok kepada politik kampus ni, ada ja pihak yang mengatakan keburukan pihak lain sampai menampal poster....pastu di balas lak oleh pihak lawan...masing2 menyebarkan keburukkan pihak lain.... hum...saya pun x faham...sifat sebegini kah yang perlu ada pada pemimpin masa hadapan?????? tanya diri kita sendiri...... adakah pemimpin yang sebegini kita perlukan?????kita sebenarnya mencipta generasi pemimpin... kita sendiri yang bakal memimpin, tetapi, keadaan kita masih sama atau lebih teruk dari generasi terdahulu....masalah sosial dalam kalangan remaja semakin meningkat....isu buang anak sudah menjadi wadah tatatpan minda kita setiap hari, sehingga kita semakin lali,.....entah berapa tahun lagi, benda itu mungkin menjadi budaya kita....kita boleh jangka kan benda tu terjadi kalau generasi sekarang masih tak ubah gaya pemikiran, personaliti diorang....

hum...mungkin orang cakap saya ni pandai cakap ja kan?????? yup... they have the right to criticize me....saya memang sedang berubah atau lebih kurang cuba membuka minda...... and saya sedang belajar menjadi seorang leader....tapi saya tak expect untuk bertanding and jadi leader yang tinggi2 coz saya takut dengan amanah yang diberikan...mungkin sekarang saya masih lagi perlu membuat banyak kesilapan....

"when people are given with the responsibilities, they should be more humble. if they are not humble, that means they do not concern about their responsibilities.. they are playing with their responsibilities"

this is my thought....my thought again?????hehhehehe.... i was thinking about the responsibility during the lecture on History of Islamic Economic Thought..... a lecture given by prof Ataul Haq.....on 26 jan 2011, time from 2.55 until 3.15 pm la...

basically, apa yang saya fikir sampai tercipta benda ni adalah beratnya tangungjawab tu.....sedangkan gunung-ganang sendiri pun tak sanggup menerima amanah tu, tapi kita manusia, terima....(basically, what made me to come with this thought is how i valued the weight of responsibility itself).. as stated in Surah Al-Ahzab, verses 72-73....as the translation..

"We did indeed offer the TRUST to Heaven and Earth and the Mountains; but they refused to undertake it, being afraid thereof: but man undertook it- he was indeed unjust and foolish- 72
(with the result) that Allah has to punish the Hypocrites, men and women and the Unbelievers men and women, and Allah turns in Mercy to the Believers, men and women: for Allah is Oft-Forgiving, Most Merciful..73

dalam melayu pula....

Sesungguhnya, Kami telah menawarkan amanat kepada langit, bumi dan gunung- ganang,, tetapi semuanya enggan memikul amanat itu dan mereka khuatir tidak akan melaksanakannya (berat), lalu manusia pun memikul amanah itu. Sesungguhnya, manusia itu sangat zali dan sangat bodoh.. 72
Sehingga Allah mengazab orang munafik, lelaki dan perempuan, orang musyrik lelaki dan perempuan dan Allah akan menerima taubat orang mukmin lelaki dan perempuan dan Allah maha Pengampun dan Maha Penyayang... 73 surah al ahzab...

try to ponder this ayat (72)... yet, we still greedy...searching for power without taking into the account the trust/responsibility that has been given....we can take the responsibility, but we must aware of it... maksudnya, jangan sampai semua amanah kita nak pikul dan last2 we end up with neglecting certain amanah..which i could see in my campus.... so, as reminder for me, this sem, i just concentrate on MRC and Titian Wahyu club... i will join other if i am available....em, special reminder for EU members, as well as Titian Wahyu members who read this, i seek ur cooperation of shaping me to be a good leader....

thats all from me for today....have a nice day.... may Allah always give His guidance to Us..amin...

p/s: this my personal view... if u do not agree atau apa2, comment or kritik amatlah di alu2kan untuk saya memperbaiki diri saya lagi..... i am open for discussion...

Saturday, January 22, 2011

The Past and The Future: Where are we?????????

Asslammualaikum.....All praises belong to Allah alone....
As usual, every Friday, men are reminded in the khutbah about the current issues, history, islamic teaching and so forth. Today's khutbah was awesome.... from my point of view la...lau orang lain tu, diorang mesti bising2 dah.... coz khatib berpesan khutbah tu x leh kuar dari masjid dan untuk orang luar, so i have to bear the secret....

By the way, my intention on writing this entry is about some advices from khatib..... He said about the education, the mentality of society and the behavior of the students who are in the higher institution.... We are aware that social sickness is being a hot issue currently.... In newspaper whether it is online or printed, we all talk about the same thing.... social illness..... how to cope with it, how to cure it and how to prevent it still being a question yet to be answered by us.....

A society which is responsible to curb the illness from spreading wildly is the one who encouraging it. this statement is the best words for me to describe the situation in our country.... we, teenagers always complaining, criticize others, blaming others.... however, we do not realize that all the situation occurred because of our behaviour....

we left all those things to the "old skool" people to handle... as we know, conservative people handle with conservative way, modern people handle with modern way....But, in my own view, we are the modern people should combat this illness with a combination of conservative thought and modern thought..... thanks to "old skool" people coz u all have reminded us repeatedly..... really appreciated that... 

ok, i think thats all with my view on today's khutbah....

Now, i will continue with my feeling...hahahhaa....not a feeling of love or something related to it....cuma satu perasaan kecewa terhadap sikap kita....

After finished with Friday's prayer, there was an announcement that there will be a talk given by Azmil Mustapha.... for those who are not familiar with this name, u might familiar with this film, "Ali Setan"... Above is his picture....

He was an actor, a singer.... it is better for me to say that he was an entertainer.... Now, he is a daei', a missionary.... What make me disappointed is about the behaviour of our youth or our society....If there is a concert with renowned artist, i think that place like a congested road... uncountable people....

In contrast, if a Ustaz or missionary giving a free advice to us, i think i can count those who are present during the talk.... Same goes to today's speech given by Azmil....After friday prayer, many people just rush out from Masjid and left few people who were eager to hear the knowledge.... But, for me to blame everyone is not a good practice, i always bear in mind that certain people who rush out early may have an important things to do, such as attending classes, mid term exam or they are straving to death.... ok fine with that.... they have a valid reason....

however, how about those who do not have important task to do??????? Instead of wasting their time, why do not they wasting time in the mosque???? iktikaf and listening to the talk????? are they have a ton of good deeds????? those views also as a reminder for me... i am like others, sometimes i love to waste my time do nothing....what i am wrote here juz a reminder or tazkirah for myself to share with others....

the reason why this post titled: The past and the future: where are we is basically i wanna relate it with certain aspects touch by Khatib and Azmil himself....
 Azmil in his current image...

As for the past, it is about the glory time of Islamic empire.... where there is an Islamic State and ruled by the greatest Caliph such as Umar, Ali, Abu Bakr, and Uthman...... During that time, Islam was popular and respected by other religion.... Do we ever ponder how they managed to govern a state like that???? At the past, Muslims scholars were successful in many field of knowledge such as, Ibnu Khaldun, Al- Farabi, Al-Khawarizmi, and others famous scholars..... During those day, all the shaikh captured most of people's attention... they were eager to hear the knowledge from God.... They sacrificed their time for juz a little tips of being good Muslim and as to improve themselves.... People those day love to seek knowledge.... i am quite envy of them....same as i am envying people from western, China and Japan....

As for the mindset of Malay society, Khatib mentioned that Malays, they preferred if their kids further studies overseas such as in Harvard, Cambridge, MIT, and all well known institutions.... Only some who appreciated those kids who continue studies in Jordan, Mecca, and Damascus..... As for me, i can categorized me as being in the former group.... I do have an ambition that i want to further my studies in Harvard or Oxford....and also i want to learn in Japan.... that is my ambition... why????

becoz i loved their environment...... the eagerness of acquiring knowledge, and their curiosity behaviour.... that is the different between us and them... for the Muslims today, i see that we proud about our glory in the past....(same goes to me.....before i blame others, i trying to blame myself with my laziness in seeking knowledge...and i am trying to change myself... pray 4 me ek)....

where are we???? are we still in the past???? or we are trapped in the history or do we just proud with the past????? do we ever think of bringing those glory into reality????? I do think bout that, and i am trying to change that..... yet, i am not strong enough...what i can do is writing my thought to be read by someone...may Allah helps me in this Jihad....

As for the future, it is uncertain, unpredictable, unknown.....Except Him... He knows everything starts from the past, present and future.... Everything is in His Dominion.... we just believe in Qada and Qadar....ah, forgot to mention, during the speech given by Azmil, he reminded us to believe in Allah..... i have come with a thought that, if u want to love someone, u will try to know everything about that person. About his/her favourite things, we try to get their attention....Many thing we do, yet, we still unable to catch their heart....(this better goes to me as i am saying bout my mistakes)hehehehe....as for searching for Allah's love, we failed... we rarely ponder about His creation...Although He states in His Book that "He is near to His servant.", but we still walking away from Him...maybe this statement suits me..... I am trying to get near Him...But i am still weak... Oh God, granted me with a strength as for me to know You better than before...Amin...

Our future is yet to be determined....How we are going to shape our future if our mentality still immature???? If we still in the state of baby???just waiting for things to come to us... always pampered our self???? we are the prisoner without noticing it.... if we still stand at this stage, when will we level up????

Just another question for us to ponder...especially me...ok...it is already 2.30 a.m.... Yet, i am still in this cyber world...typing.....browsing and listening..... i got mid term exams on Monday night, wednesday and friday...huhuhuhu....

tomorrow, got clas, need to do some revision, but i am not interested in book yet...huhuhuhuh....wish those who are in the middle of exm a good luck and for those who are still learning, i hope, u strive for the best....

i quite with what have i written..i do not know whether it matches with my title or not, but for sure, the thing that was in my head before is completely different from this...hehehhee...coz i took a long break... i went to play bowling...heheheheh...good morning..

Thursday, January 20, 2011

The Power of Posture.

first of all, good evening to all the readers... May u are in a good shape... if not, i hope u will get better soon...
ok, today post is about The Power of Posture... Though i just copied or taken this from some site.... Before i go more deeply on this matter, or it is better to say that before I paste the article, i want to explain briefly how did i find this article.....

Basically, i always spend my time online, facebooking and etc.... then, i clicked on the economist post and started to find the articles/news that i am interested in... after for a while i found 1, that is the power of posture...but i have reached my limit of viewing article on the economist site....huhuhuhuhu... it was not a big deal for me to find that topic coz i got th uncle google...hahahahha

 i went online and let my mind, my eyes wandering in the lifeless world a.k.a internet in my current view(today)...ok....let look at the article....

How you stand can be as important as what you say. Here are the ten categories of behavior you should monitor to improve your "presence" and effectiveness.
by Nick Morgan

The way you stand could change your life. Immediately. For businesspeople, stance is an important indicator of how deeply you are engaged with your job, how much you believe in the products you are selling, how confident you are that your company will survive.

And that's just for starters. Did you know that you are likely to make or break a sale by what you do in the first fifteen seconds after entering the customer's office—before you say anything? Or that you can increase your attractiveness to others—and your success in your career—by how you move your head? Or that the seat you take at a table will determine, in part, the direction a negotiation will take?
These insights and many more are at the heart of modern communications research, and Teach Yourself Body Language, by Gordon Wainright (McGraw-Hill, 2003), summarizes much of it in very practical terms that readers can put to work immediately to change their lives.

Take stance. Wainwright suggests an experiment in which you stand straight, tuck your tummy in, hold your head high, and smile at those you meet. Do this for a week, concentrating especially on those who normally don't seem to be very friendly in your workplace. Wainwright predicts, based on many such experiments, that you'll find people treat you differently immediately. You'll garner more respect, you'll be taken more seriously, and you'll find that even the grumpy ones warm up to you.

Your stance, broadly speaking, signals to the world how energetic, confident, and powerful you are. Slumped shoulders, a downcast gaze, a slow pace, and a sagging belly are taken by the world to mean that you lack confidence, that you don't have much energy, and that you are probably less important, successful, and powerful as a result. These impressions may be neither accurate nor fair, but they are the inevitable results of the fleeting impressions we tend to get of one another during the course of a busy day.

Those are just the fleeting impressions. Stance, and what used to be called your bearing, can play much more important roles when you're negotiating an important contract or trying to close a sale. We like to deal with winners, and we are more inclined to yield negotiating points to people who appear to be operating from a position of strength.

And what about those first fifteen seconds after entering a room? Wainwright reports research that measured the status of people who enter an office. Low-status people tend to linger at the door. Medium-status people go in halfway. And high-status people go in all the way to the desk and sit down next to the occupant.
To increase your attractiveness, Wainwright suggests ten categories of behavior to monitor and improve. Studies show that attractive people tend to be more successful, everything else being equal, so more than mere likability is at stake here. The ten categories are:

Eye contact: The more the better, up to visual intrusiveness.
Facial expression: Be lively, smile a lot, look interested.
Head movements: Nod to show interest, keep your chin up.
Gestures: Be expressive and open, without overdoing it.
Posture: Stand erect, lean forward to show interest, lean back to be informal.
Proximity and orientation: Get as close as you can to people without crowding.
Bodily contact: Touch as often as you can without causing offense.
Appearance and physique: Go for color in dress, fitness in physique.
Timing and synchronization: Speed up your activities to just before the point of inefficiency.
Nonverbal aspects of speech: Try to balance your need to talk with the need to listen.

If taking on all of these desiderata sounds like a tall order, take heart in the knowledge that doing even a few of them will begin to increase your attractiveness to others. You don't have to manage them all at once. In fact, you don't have to manage them at all, if you can find enthusiasm for your job, your colleagues, and your activities in general. If you are enthusiastic, you'll discover that you'll naturally increase your attractiveness by unconsciously doing many of the behaviors on the list.

u might also interested in these following links:

i think u should try to click link no 4...hehehhehehe

not to forget, i am a muslim and for me to abandon my religious teaching is not a good practice.... Muslims are required to perform Solat, (prayer) 5 times daily... during performing Solat, we are advised to straighten our body during takbiratul, ruku, and even during sujud...surprisingly, many of Muslims are not realized it yet.....

when i think back, have a deep thought, wondering and analyze, i found that Islam is a perfect religion...... in its teaching, it always has a wisdom behind what Allah has ordered and forbidden.... there are many wisdom lies behind Islam teaching which basically from Quran and Sunnah..... in my point of view, refer back to the Last Sermon of Prophet, he reminded Muslims to hold on Quran and Sunnah and also there is a lot of reminder for us,....

Yet, Muslims are branded as terrorist.... Many people accused that Islam is the religion of terrorism....Hum... for those who do not know Islam, i hope u try to get to know its teaching.... and it is better if u be a muslim.....

thats all...before that, one islamic reference about what i has written above....

I am only able to give this link because of time constraint..... I got to spend time to read something and attend a meeting with my members after Asr'..... see u soon....

Monday, January 17, 2011

Mencari Kekasih Hati Yang Kekal Abadi

nukilan yang ingin ku garapkan adalah nukilan hatiku yang mencari seorang kekasih hati yang abadi di samping mencari cinta abadi.....

Aku.....bukan lah setampan Yusuf....tidak pula setabah Ibrahim...apatah lagi semulia Muhammad.... Jika dibandingkan aku dengan Abu Bakar, sesungguhnya, kadang2 mulut aku tidak membenarkan sesuatu perkara..... Andai dibandingkan aku dengan Umar, aku hanyalah mampu mengertak diriku.... Andai dinilaikan aku dengan Ali, luasnya ilmu Ali itu tidak dapat aku tandingi...

Aku mencari cinta sejati.... Mencari cinta hakiki...mencari cinta abadi... Tetapi, banyak halangan dan godaan yang menghalang ku.... Aku tidak lah sekuat Bilal yang sentiasa mempertahankan cintanya.....aku sering kali tewas dalam percaturan mencari cinta sejati.... Tambahan pula, pemikiran ku tidak lah seagung pemikiran Abu Hanifah, As- syafie, Imam Malik, dan Imam Hanbali....

Harini, aku terasa kosong.... Aku mencari sesuatu untuk mengisi benak hati ku ini.....lantas, aku memasang lagu Ainul Mardhiya....... Lagu yang mampu menyemarakkan cinta ku terhadap Pencintaku.... Aku lantas mencari sejarah Ainul Mardhiya.....Ya... Aku sungguh teruja....Walaupun sekadar membaca ceritanya dan lirik lagu Ainul Mardhiya, aku ingin sangat memiliki dia sebagai peneman ku di Syurga nanti....

Persoalannya, seberapa hebatkah aku untuk memiliki Ainul Mardhiya??? Mampukah aku memiliki Ainul Mardhiya????? Wanita yang mampu menghulurkan cinta setulus kasih???? Beranikah aku untuk syahid di jalan PenciptaKu?????Persoalan yang masih lagi membelenggu diri ku....Bagaimanakah caranya untuk ku syahid di jalan yang diredhai Pencintaku?????

Namun, aku berharap agar aku segera ketemu cinta yang selama ini ku idamkan.....Mencari cinta Pencintaku....Ingin aku merintih dan mengharapkan agar aku mampu memiliki cintaNya dan mendapat seorang teman seperti Ainul Mardhiya..... Mungkinkah wujud Ainul Mardhiya di bumi ciptaan Pencipta ku ini????

Andai wujudnya wanita itu, ingin aku memilikinya seandainya aku layak baginya.....

Dirimu pembakar semangat perwira
Rela berkorban demi agama
Kau jadi taruhan berjuta pemuda
Yang bakal dinobat sebagai syuhada
Itulah janji pencipta Yang Esa

Engkaulah bidadari dalam syurga
Bersemayam di mahligai bahgia
Anggun gayamu wahai seorang puteri
Indahnya wajah bermandi seri

Menjadi cermin tamsilan kendiri
Untuk melakar satu wacana
Buatmu bernama wanita

Ainul Mardhiah
Kau seharum kuntuman di Taman Syurga
Menanti hadirnya seorang lelaki
Untuk menjadi bukti cinta sejati
Ooh! Tuhanku
Bisakah dicari di dunia ini
Seorang wanita bak bidadari
Menghulurkan cinta setulus kasih

Di hati lelaki bernama kekasih ( 3X )

 luahan hatiku di petang yang sunyi, sayu, mode keseorangan.... mencari, menilai diri.....juz another abstract feeling that i cant express through action nor words.....


The Story Of Lying.....

though u said u will follow what them have suggested, but in the end, u make ur own choice....tough u said it was coincidence and u cant avoid it, but u are lying..to urself and others.... coz words that had been uttered cant be erased from people's mind.....u juz making a story to satisfy urself....the story of lying...

the story of lying.....juz another secret that i always bear alone....
though i think what u have said to me to be true....but, in the end, it just another sweet words that melt down people thought....

for certain people, they might forget what have been said, what have been happened for the past years back.... they might also have throw away the story of past....

me????? sometimes i forgot bout it, and sometimes i always keep it running in my heart, my mind and my thought....coz i wish it to be true..... however, the result is something that i have been locked deep in my heart... do u ever think, when u lying to someone, make someone believe what u have said, make someone hope that what u said was the truth????  do u ever wonder about the emotional state of that person if s/he knows that u r juz lying??????do u ever placed urself in their situation????
think twice or more than twice before u are lying....if i am offered with two choices, either to hear the truth or the fake, i would rather pointed for the truth even it hurts like being in hell than taking a fake that juz provide u with a temporary paradise..... 

in Islam, lying is forbidden..... from my perspectives, once u lied to others, the lie will eventually absorb into their mind and may be a hope for them, a devastated happiness later on... once the words entered the mind, it cannot be undo by juz uttering the reason why u are lying....

a better method for someone to talk with me is, i want u to be honest, try to explain things to me, and i hate people who lied to me......coz i really do not like that kind of attitude.....

i know that we are just a human being.....i may forgive u, but it takes time for me to believe u back.....i know i am not perfect....i did lie to others, but i am trying to lie things that people will be happy if they know the truth.... i am trying to lie things that people will remember me, appreciate the wisdom behind my lying stories....however, the crucial question is, am i able to be a good liar????without them know the truth????? that's why sometimes i prefer to be silent....
thank u...sorry if "ada orang trasa".....post untuk diri sendiri sebagai peringatan....coz saya dah banyak kali ditipu.....saya tak suka tipu orang sangat.... kalau saya salah, tegur saya.....this is juz another abstract thought that have been disturbing me and i cant get rid it off my mind.......

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Special Entry

ini adalah special entry.....
tadi menjelajah emel hotmail...tengok2 balik kisah lama...hahhahah...
ayat layan perasaan ja.....

setelah penat menjelajah, saya singgah dekat emel yang ada besday wishes kat saya...saja ja tengok2...
quite rindu the old times...masa x semakin tua...haahahha...kan bez kan lau dapat hadiah besday....saya tak pernah lagi la dapat kad besday macam ni....

ni la besday wishes to...thank to orang yang wat benda ni... i am sory coz i am not a good friend.... i was not there when u need me.... i was not there when u are alone...thought u might consider me as ur best fren, but saya banyak kali menyakitkan kamu...saya rasa say x patut dipanggil kawan....saya minta maaf ya kamu...

truly, sekarang saya rasa agak sedih bila orang memanggil saya sahabat....kadang2 saya rasa saya tak layak dengan gelaran tu...

pss....kalau ada orang nak bgi kad kat sya, saya amat berlapang dada..hehehe

Titian Wahyu Management Course (MACOS11)


pada hari pertama, for sure la gambar aku x da...coz aku x pi lagi...aku berada di mahallah meeting sampai pukul 6.....hahahaha....ruginya.....macam bez gila ja.....
ngah tunggu nak nyanyi lagu negaraku kot....
apa senyum2????saya tengah jeles ni coz saya x dapat join...huhuhuhu

korang bajet korang macho ka???tapi agak macho la gaya korang....hahahhaha...lau aku ada, lagi macho...

dimanakah posisi aku kalau aku turut serta???

apa yang korang buat ni??huhuhu

taaruf ka????nak juga..huhuhu

setel sudah hari pertama diorang...dan saya agak kecewa juga coz x dapat join...huhuhuhu...sebab tu ayat saya agak berbaur jeles...tapi, tak jeles sangat...sebab malam tu ada main bwling ngan fellow and principal....

saya yang kecik2...
hahahahaha...agak bez gak main free ni...hahhaha...yang mantap paan ngan umar..hahahah...xlupa gak, yama....bagi pihak fellow, ustaz menang...hahaha..
at least, at that day, i was able to attend everything...hehhehehe...Alhamdulillah..


ni lak picture secara random pada hari kedua dan ketiga....dalam ni ada la picture saya...yes2...saya S.U.K.A....hahahaahha

 ok, ni bukan saya ya...hahahahah....ni la muka2 orang tensen mencari puzzle....kalau tengok muka diorang, mmg muka stress gila...ngata orang..say pon stress gak...penat woo gali pasir tu..tapi x jumpa2....kejam gila game acap ni...hahahha
cari apa tu???surat cinta???hahaha
 yeah...cari sampai jumpa....hahahha...tapi, kami kalah juga dekat grup ni...grup ni jumpa dulu dari kami...
lewat 1 saat
 ntah la apa yang dak2 ni kena ngan kinah ni..hahhha....
 ni lah asyraf a.k.a acap....yang tanam puzzle dalam pasir...sebagai tanda protes, kami tanam dia lak..padan muka...hahhahaha...
 warm up dulu...diconduct oleh pak choi...hahahaha..mantap choi..pst....yang baju kuning tu ensem...hahahha
 kan bagus kalau saya yang jadi laki tu...hahahhah...alangkah bahagianya dikejar oleh wanita2..hahahaha...mode=berangan...
solat ka???
 adakah saya sedang mencari arah kiblat???dengan posisi badan seperti solat??? oh tidak.....hahaahaha..korang teka la sendiri...
si hensem yang rajin...

saya nak naik juga...kata gurl tu...
 bez gila naik banana boat.....dua kali jatuh..habis tertelan air masin...huhuhuhuhu...overall mmg bez...suka2...
jejaka hensem....hahahah

pak choi yang dah tahap stres.
 masa ni, semua stress gila..including me....bapak lama gila menggali...sampai letih gila..tapi x jumpa2....marah2..
kami berjaya
 tengok la muka amin ngan poji yang gila2 happy coz akhirnya jumpa juga puzzle tu...thanks to pak choi coz berjaya jumpa...choi mantap....
 ni la aktiviti pertama sewaktu kami sampai kat Port Dickson...hahhaha...sementara menunggu orang lain siap...
hidung aku...
 ketam yang menggigit hidung ku...sekadar gimmick...hahhahaha....cun la amin...ekspresi muka ko mmg menjadi...
kami dengan ketam.

akan kami takluki laut.
 masing2 dengan semangat berkobar2 nak menakluki laut PD...hahhahha... tunggu...akan kami renangi segala cabaran....pssss.... kami mmg hensem dan berkarisma...
RnR..makan time
 makan time..ahahhhah...agak lapar ek saya...hahahha..sempat lak budak2 ni snap muka yang hensem ni..hahhha
 saya yang ngacau diorang ni bersembang ka diorang yang kacau saya makan?????yang surenya, saya dah tak da tempat nak duduk coz saya orang last sekali beli makanan....
sapa yang hensem???
 decide la sendiri...hahahaa
gerakan halilintar..
 apa yang ko ngah wat ni poji???
menunggu arahan
 ni la aktiviti pertama masa kat PD..hahhahahha..mmg panas siot...
Q yang sedang berjoget....hahahahaha....

ada lagi gambar nak letak..tapi, takut banyak sangat...hahahahah...
ah, satu lahi, sapa yang g PD, minta2 la gali pasir dekat tepi2 pantai tu...coz ada satu lagi puzzle yang tak dijumpai...hehehehe...selamat mencuba...
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