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I bear witness that there no other God except Allah, and , I bear witness that Muhammad (pbuh) is a servant of Allah and His Messenger...

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Our Future Leader?????????


we are searching for a leader.... we are searching for someone who we can follow... we are searching for a person that can satisfy our needs.... we are searching for perfect person that can make everything seems perfectly in order.... we are searching for someone that follow the characteristics we have listed as a leader.... 

in the middle of this searching, we frequently condemned those leaders who are trying really hard to satisfy our wants....economically speaking, we have unlimited wants, but we have limited resources.... in this case, the resources is the leader.... we only concern about today leader....we sometimes forget that we all is the leader... as mentioned in:

  • “ Behold! Everyone of you is a leader and you shall be asked about those you lead. Imam is a leader over the people and shall be asked about them; a man is a leader of the house and shall be asked about his household ; a woman is a leader over her children and she shall be asked about them.”
    • (Reported Abdullah Ibn Omar in Bukhari and Muslim ). which taken from http://www.slideshare.net/DrYunus/leadership-in-islam
because i do not know where did i put my note which contains this hadith, so i google it up....huhuhuhu...

based on this hadith, we know that everyone is a leader, so, we have to fulfill our responsibilities... yet, we still do not understand the contents..... we are busy to complaint about others.... what i am more concern is about me, myself as a youth that may become a future leader....

we always searching, but we do not realize that we are creating the future leader...someone might understand what i am trying to say, and someone might not understand clearly.... let's me put it into situation:

em, it is better for me to put current situation which sometimes implies my behavior as well as others.... example of today phenomenon, in student's life...

we sometimes criticize a leader who are not punctual, yet, we, ourselves also do not punctual..
we always complaint about the leader, we say they do not doing their job, but, we do not know what the responsibilities being a leader....
we sometimes think that the leader just want a fame for himself "gila kuasa la", but we know nothing...
we said that the way our leader ruled us is injustice....
we said our leader just want to do something that benefited him....
banyak juga yang kita complaint kan??????kita cakap macam2...

ambik situasi politik pula.....
remaja yang taksub dengan parti politik kadang2 bergaduh sesama rakan...bergaduh disebabkan perbezaan fahaman politik....
ada juga remaja yang mengatakan sesiapa yang mengikuti parti sekian-sekian adalah teeettttttt,....we all know it already, so x payah la saya tambah lagi....
ada la juga remaja yang mengata government, ada yang mengata kat pembangkang.... which same goes to me...sometimes saya ada gak kritik kerajaan, ada juga kritik pembangkang, tapi, saya cuba be friend ngan semua...walaupun mereka berbeza fahaman politik...cuma saya tak dapat masuk ngan orang yang ekstrem....contoh, ekstrem kepada government and kepada pembangkang.....

forgot about other, or economically speaking, ceteris paribus.... saya nak highlight kan yang remaja sekarang kerja mengutuk, complaint dan etc tentang leader...sama ada pihak admin, pihak government, pihak ketua kampung, ayah....kenapa ayah ada sekali?????refer hadith kat atas....

kita tak fikir ka kita ni future leader???? beul tak kita tak fikir????kan???

jawapan saya adalah jawapan ahli ekonomi, where we are prefer to say it depends rather than yes or no....  ada remaja yang concern, ada yang tak.... kalau kita concern, kita kena ubah sikap kita..kita jangan tiru sikap yang x baik pemimpin sekarang...daripada kita kerja nak mengkritik tu, apa kata kita kritik diri kita dulu....
kita sendiri pun x pernah nak punctual...kadang2 kerja yang di amanahkan kat kita pun kita delay kan...dan saya mengaku, saya juga tak lepas dari sifat di atas.....macam saya sedang kritik diri saya, but in the macro view....

contoh lagi satu, semasa saya melepak dengan kawan2 saya masa saya tengah jahat or, beter to say tak baik sangat....ada la sesetengah ni mengutuk kerajaan....cakap kerajaan makan duit rakyat dan macam2, tapi diorang tak pernah lak fikir diorang tu merokok dan lain2 benda la...melepak sampai ke tengah malam....(which saya pun macam tu juga....kadang2 tu melepak tak ingat dunia)...

tengok pula situasi politik kampus....masing2 berkempen....masing2 ada yang cakap la yang lau sokong kumpulan ni bagus, sebab pertahankan sekian2....pandai2 la kita judge....tapi, tengok kepada politik kampus ni, ada ja pihak yang mengatakan keburukan pihak lain sampai menampal poster....pastu di balas lak oleh pihak lawan...masing2 menyebarkan keburukkan pihak lain.... hum...saya pun x faham...sifat sebegini kah yang perlu ada pada pemimpin masa hadapan?????? tanya diri kita sendiri...... adakah pemimpin yang sebegini kita perlukan?????kita sebenarnya mencipta generasi pemimpin... kita sendiri yang bakal memimpin, tetapi, keadaan kita masih sama atau lebih teruk dari generasi terdahulu....masalah sosial dalam kalangan remaja semakin meningkat....isu buang anak sudah menjadi wadah tatatpan minda kita setiap hari, sehingga kita semakin lali,.....entah berapa tahun lagi, benda itu mungkin menjadi budaya kita....kita boleh jangka kan benda tu terjadi kalau generasi sekarang masih tak ubah gaya pemikiran, personaliti diorang....

hum...mungkin orang cakap saya ni pandai cakap ja kan?????? yup... they have the right to criticize me....saya memang sedang berubah atau lebih kurang cuba membuka minda...... and saya sedang belajar menjadi seorang leader....tapi saya tak expect untuk bertanding and jadi leader yang tinggi2 coz saya takut dengan amanah yang diberikan...mungkin sekarang saya masih lagi perlu membuat banyak kesilapan....

"when people are given with the responsibilities, they should be more humble. if they are not humble, that means they do not concern about their responsibilities.. they are playing with their responsibilities"

this is my thought....my thought again?????hehhehehe.... i was thinking about the responsibility during the lecture on History of Islamic Economic Thought..... a lecture given by prof Ataul Haq.....on 26 jan 2011, time from 2.55 until 3.15 pm la...

basically, apa yang saya fikir sampai tercipta benda ni adalah beratnya tangungjawab tu.....sedangkan gunung-ganang sendiri pun tak sanggup menerima amanah tu, tapi kita manusia, terima....(basically, what made me to come with this thought is how i valued the weight of responsibility itself).. as stated in Surah Al-Ahzab, verses 72-73....as the translation..

"We did indeed offer the TRUST to Heaven and Earth and the Mountains; but they refused to undertake it, being afraid thereof: but man undertook it- he was indeed unjust and foolish- 72
(with the result) that Allah has to punish the Hypocrites, men and women and the Unbelievers men and women, and Allah turns in Mercy to the Believers, men and women: for Allah is Oft-Forgiving, Most Merciful..73

dalam melayu pula....

Sesungguhnya, Kami telah menawarkan amanat kepada langit, bumi dan gunung- ganang,, tetapi semuanya enggan memikul amanat itu dan mereka khuatir tidak akan melaksanakannya (berat), lalu manusia pun memikul amanah itu. Sesungguhnya, manusia itu sangat zali dan sangat bodoh.. 72
Sehingga Allah mengazab orang munafik, lelaki dan perempuan, orang musyrik lelaki dan perempuan dan Allah akan menerima taubat orang mukmin lelaki dan perempuan dan Allah maha Pengampun dan Maha Penyayang... 73 surah al ahzab...

try to ponder this ayat (72)... yet, we still greedy...searching for power without taking into the account the trust/responsibility that has been given....we can take the responsibility, but we must aware of it... maksudnya, jangan sampai semua amanah kita nak pikul dan last2 we end up with neglecting certain amanah..which i could see in my campus.... so, as reminder for me, this sem, i just concentrate on MRC and Titian Wahyu club... i will join other if i am available....em, special reminder for EU members, as well as Titian Wahyu members who read this, i seek ur cooperation of shaping me to be a good leader....

thats all from me for today....have a nice day.... may Allah always give His guidance to Us..amin...

p/s: this my personal view... if u do not agree atau apa2, comment or kritik amatlah di alu2kan untuk saya memperbaiki diri saya lagi..... i am open for discussion...


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