Today, i have something to share.... I found it while i was searching for a book that can help me in finishing my assignment.... I was looking at the historical shelves in the library this evening... Hum, why should i go for historical area when my assignment is all about the economy related thing? hehehhe.... i am actually searching for islamic perspective..... kinda difficult though.... i have not start it yet...soon, maybe.... with a lot of reading materials with the time constraint... am i able to make it? i will try my best....
so, what i am going to share is about the personality that should be possessed by someone who intends to be a leader... I found these traits accidentally in that historical area... ok, without further a due, i will share what i have found...(am i a emcee?) hahahhaha
It stated there, that Al- Farabi was intended of having a Al- Madinatul Fadhillah, and this nation should be governed by a person who has the following traits:
1) perfection in physical organs
2)great understanding
3)visualization of all that is said
4) a perfectly retentive memory
5) power to get at the root of things with the least argument
6) love in seeking, acquiring knowledge (i change it from its original translation, since it brings the same idea as i write her)
7) shunning of playfulness
8) control over desire: from excess in eating, drinking and sexual intercourse.
9)love of truth and hatred of lying
10)loved of justice and hatred of force and tyranny
11) never afraid of doing/making/seeking justice
12)possession of enough wealth.
these are the traits outlined by Al- Farabi... In addition of this, i will also include the opinion of Ibnu Khaldun... He said that a leader should has these criteria:
1) knowledgable
2) able to being just, practice justice
3) has the ability of wealth
4)perfection in physical condition
something like that la....em, i translated it from a book title of "Khalifah Umar bin Abdul Aziz. written by K.H. Firdaus....em, i think, i should write it in malay somehow....
Al- Farabi yang bercita-cita adanya suatu "Negara Utama"(Al- Madinatul Fadhillah) mengemukakan syarat bagi orang yang boleh mengendalikan negara utama itu, antara lain seperti di bawah ini:
1) sempurna anggota badannya
2) besar pengertiannya
3) bagus tanggapannya
4) sempurna ingatannya
5) cekap dan bijak berbicara
6) mencintai ilmu pengetahuan
7)tidak hidup mewah dan berfoya-foya
8) tidak keterlaluan dalam makan minum dan hubungan kelamin
9) cinta akan kebenaran dan membenci kebohongan
10) cinta akan keadilan dan benci akan kezaliman
11) sanggup menegakkan keadilan
12) mampu dalam penghidupan.
Syarat2 dari Ibnu Khaldun pula adalah:
1)Berilmu pengetahuan
2) bersikap adil
3) berkemampuan
4) sihat panca indera dan fiziknya dari sesuatu cacat yang boleh mempengaruhi cara berfikir dan bertindak....
em, tu saja kot....lagipun, saya ada juga nak ulas sikit, tapi asa macam x perlu lak...hehehhe...coz saya x baca habis pun buku tu....
btw, my post titled Mudharabah seems to be an important topic, Insya Allah, i will try to spend time to write more bout it....
see u soon....:-)
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