huargh.... the time is 4.55 a.m... what? i am still in front of laptop?? what the hell i am doing?
actually, i am in the middle of completing my assignment... Alhamdulillah, the first part of it is finished... Now is my "masa rehat jap".... i dont know what to do and my mood of thinking has gone...maybe it taking a trip to venice... leave me alone, watching outside the window...hahahaha
ok, em, just wanna share something (lagi?). actually, i am in the middle of searching bout pricing in islam from the books that i have borrowed past few days ago... so, while searching, i got attracted in the column of humor.... these humors somehow entertained me, whom is aloe right now, since everybody is in their dreamland... i assume, they may have a sweet dream... dreaming of UK, wedding, food, and not to forget, dreaming of scary things..hahahahah...kejamnya fikiran aku...
" One of the fools of Quraysh was Mu'awiya ibn Marwan, the brother of Caliph Abd Malik ibn Marwan. One day, he was waiting for Abd Malik at the Gate of Damascus, by the door of a miller's house. He looked at the miller's donkey and saw it turning the mill wheel with a bell round its neck.He asked the miller, "why did you put a bell on the donkey's neck?" The miller answered, "Sometimes I doze or fall asleep, and if I dont hear the sound of the bell, I know that the donkey is standing still, and then I shout at it" Muawiya asked, "And what if the donkey were to stand still and move its head? How would you know that it is standing still?" The miller replied, "How should my donkey have the intelligence of the prince?"
Two men jointly owned a slave. One of them began to beat him. His partner asked him, "What are you doing?" The man answered, "I am beating my part".
Al- Hajjaj said to his children's tutor, "Teach them to swim before you teach them to write, for they can find someone else to write for them, but they will not find anyone to swim for them".
A man said to Ibrahim ibn Adham, "O Abu Ishaq, i would like you to accept this cloak from me to cover you." "If you are rich," he replied, " I will accept it, but if you are poor, I will not." "I am rich," said the man. "How much have you?" asked Ibrahim. " I have 2000," said the man. "Would you like to have 4000?" asked Ibrahim. "Yes" said the man. " Then you are poor", said Ibrahim. "I will not take it".
A man met another man who was riding on a wretched donkey. "Where are you going?" he asked. " I am going to Friday's prayer," answered the other. "Woe betide you, it's only Tuesday," said the first. "Yes" said the rider, "but I shall be lucky if this donkey can bring me to the mosque by Saturday".
A blind man married a black woman and she said to him, "If you could see my beauty and my loveliness and my whiteness you would love me even more." He replied, " If you were as you say, the sighted ones would not have left you to me".
The source of these jokes is from :
Islam from The Prophet Muhammad to The Capture of Constantinople. Volume II- Religion and Society... page 269 until 286...
btw, i think these jokes have its own implicit meaning.... it make me thinking and happy at the same time. um, also make me sad when i was thinking bout its implicit meaning.....
have fun yup.... :-)
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