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Monday, May 21, 2012


MohdHafizullah Bin Abu Bakar

Politician can be understood as a leader whom leads others and being motivated of changing something that may benefit public. Every politician has something to achieve, however, there are a lot of alternatives available to choose and due to that, some of politicians have fallen into the trap of dilemma. The state of not able to make a decision as too much confusion has surrounded the environment might cause a person unable to use the reason faculty properly in making decision. Furthermore, this situation has force rationality of a person being puzzled and unstable between emotions and reasoning, which could lead a person to make the right decision in the wrong situation, morally right but rationally wrong. Thus, the person may encounter the problems of demoralization where eventually will have impacts on his daily life.
In this challenging era of advancement of technology where information is easily accessed by the people of a particular society, the news is widely disseminating and might cause harm to other people. Due to that, the person affected might be demoralized; his mental faculty might not sound well accordingly affected his decision making processes. Furthermore, demoralization has been viewed differently by different people; some may say it is the decreasing of spirit, being discouraged, corruption, fallen into the state of confusion and waning value of morality. Moreover, demoralization and professionalism in some extent related to each other, where professionalism is the high standard that expected from a person who is well trained, in this case, the politician while demoralization is a force that will able to reshape the standard into the higher state or lower state. Therefore, this research is carried out to reveal the demoralization on the politician perspective and how it affects professionalism of a politician.
In order to analyze the impact of demoralization on professionalism of a politician, the research questions that guiding this study are as follows:
-          What are the factors that contributed to demoralization?
-          Can demoralization affect the professionalism?
-          What are the possible solutions?
The purpose of this study is to closely understand the relationship between demoralization and individual’s behavior. Specifically, this study is carried out to achieve the specific research objectives as outlined below:
  • To analyze whether demoralization affects the politician’s professionalism.
  • To analytically examines the causes of demoralization.
  • To find possible solutions to overcome the problem of demoralization

Although there are many studies conducted regarding the demoralization, yet, there are few studies that focused on the field of politics. The literature on the demoralization has been discussed actively in the field of psychiatric. The term demoralization was first used by Jerome Frank (1970), which he believed demoralization left one feeling impotent, isolated and in despair. However, Lynch, Gordon (2007) argue that demoralization can occur when people lack an adequate moral framework for living their lives and the causes of demoralization are vary, namely by liberalism, secularization, ideologies and lifestyles of contemporary capitalism and the growing influence of rationality in modern societies.
Besides, a politician is a public figure and his life is much covered by media and always vulnerable for the speculation from media. Politicians also widely engaged with the public, where their conducts and speeches are being monitored by society and exposed to criticism and defamation. Apart from that, the distress source will be varying and increasing once the information leaked to the people and the opposition parties which can be used as a tool to demoralize the affected person.
According to, Ritsner, Rabinowitz and Slyuzberg. (1995), they claimed that the greatest risk factors of demoralization are a greater number of distress sources, difficulty in dealing with conflict, greater discrepancy between actual and those expected. In addition, Berkvens (2009) said that political leaders are constantly under immense pressure, maintaining a good relationship with society, leaving a good impression in the media and watching over the oppositions’ strategies. It is clearly shown that politician always encounter with the sources of demoralization from various dimensions.
A person who was demoralized is unable to access true information. The fact tells nothing to him and exposure to true information does not matter anymore as pointed out by a trained subversive KGB agent, Yuri AlexandrovichBezmenoy during the interview conducted back in 1985. The above opinion somehow might affect the professionalism of a politician when the voter simply lost confidence in his leadership.
The targeted sample for this study consisted of International Islamic University Malaysia community regardless of their gender, position and age. As mentioned before, there are little studies that looking demoralization into the field of politics as a result making the quantitative approach is not appropriate. Thus, the approach that was chosen was a qualitative approach where the data collected is more reliable and meets the purpose of understanding the behavior of a subjective being that is human.
Qualitative approaches is easy to conduct and serve the purpose of capturing people perception compared to quantitative approach which in some degree limit the perception of the respondent due to restricted answer given in the survey. A lecturer from Department of General Studies has been selected as the respondent for the interview. Apart from that, some informal discussion with the students also becomes one way of data collection. Basically, the respondent was being introduced about the background of the study and what are the questions that will be asked which able to make the respondent grab the idea of the study.
The research questions have been paraphrase in order to make it more specific and make it easy to analyze the answer given by the respondent. This approach is time consuming and need good communication skills between both parties. Among the questions that have been asked were:
·         How it is like to be a politician?
·         Does a politician understand the job scope when involving in political arena?
·         What are the influences that contributed to demoralization of a politician?
·         Does demoralization affects the behavior of a person? In this discussion, simply put that can we detect whether the politician demoralized or not? And what are the signs shown by demoralized politician in term of their appearance and conducts?
·         How can we curb this problem?

4-      Findings
The respondent has given his opinion on what it is like to be a politician, and his opinion is particularly on the Malaysian politician.
Politician in Malaysia has been given with much immunity and sometimes if they are making any mistake like in case of traffic offences, they easily get it discharged.
If you want to get easy money, get yourself involved in political arena and it is not you searching for the money, but money will come and search you.
There are no permanent friends and enemy when you involved in politics. Someday, your enemy might be your friend and your friend might be your enemy.
It is not easy to be a politician because when you have held the power, you can do anything and if you cannot control the temptation of politic you can be corrupted.
If we want to see a good politician, we should know how he is when he is at home. He should be a good person in home in order to fix the society.
When asked whether politician does really know what it is meant to be politician, the respondent responded that most of politicians do not really understand and have a lack of understanding of becoming a politician.
Very few of them that realize the job and in Malaysia case, two figures that I think have a clear view on what is politician are TunDr Mahathir and Tuan Guru Nik Aziz. Most of other politicians treated politics as a business not as amanah given to them. When you become a politician, you need to give away your privacy since politician is a public property.
There are various factors that can contribute to demoralization of a politician and part of it has been pointed out by the respondent during the interview. Generally, the respondent said that among the factor are the attitude of the politician himself, background and so forth.
We do not clearly know about their family background, type of association they have joined and the environment they have been brought up. How they behave in during the childhood, adolescent and the environment they have been living also can contribute to their attitude. Some of them staying in boarding school have been brought up in the environment of peer influences and far from parents’ observation. Their experiences are shaping them to grow up.
…..and, they also demoralize if they cannot meet what they set to achieve which in turn leads them to the frustration of not achieving the objectives.
…support and trust play important role in building their confidence level, but if that things are absent they are easily demoralized.
..principles-ness. Lack of principles is not an option when becoming a politician. The attitude of evasiveness and arrogance make most of politicians not taking the job seriously.
..politician normally tells lies. That is the art of politics. They have been taught how to talk and convince people, but what we can see in Malaysia, they are good at giving promises and bad at fulfilling it……if the PTPTN is abolished you will do injustice to previous borrowers, they have paid and what will happen if they asked back the money that have been paid? When I was a student, I have to work and earn my own money…….
There is several ways to detect whether the politician is demoralized or not. In the view of the respondent, he said that:
We can notice if the politician is not adapting an open door policy by imposing to much formality and bureaucracy in meeting them, clearly show that they are avoiding themselves from engaging with public.
… some responsibilities done due to money objectives, not for the interest of the public. We can look this by the way they perform the job.
In the respondent’s perspective to curb with this problem some vital suggestion has been given:
Politicians should take politics as amanah rather than treat it as business. Because business cycle is volatile sometimes it is profitable and sometimes it is total loss.
..they should reoriented their mind by thinking that they are servant instead of a leader….
They must also keeps away from the unnecessary expenditures because the public is watching them and they have misuse the trust from the people and money paid by the citizens.
In order to have a good political environment, politician should keep away from using politics as showmanship……….
5-      Discussion
The result of the research questions that have been addressed to the respondent will be dealt in detail in this chapter. After carried out an analysis of the answers given by the respondent, the factor that contributed to the demoralization can be divided into two categories, which are internal factor and external factor. The internal factors emerged from the personality of a person himself where amongst the reasons are lack of principle in guiding the life and frustration of not able to achieve the target that has been set earlier. These factors discouraged a person from the inside and create an unstable condition in the mental faculty. On the other hand, lack of support and trust from the surrounding agents and the inability to live to expectation also play roles in demoralizing person which may refer as the external factor. Living in the political arena, where the political demand is high leads the surrounding to lose confidence in politicians and resulted in less support to the idea opined by the politicians. Additionally, due to criticisms and rumors slightly represent that the expectation of a public towards politicians is deteriorated. Thus, this situation indirectly motivated politicians to keep silent and being evasive toward certain issues which imply that politicians have lost its spirit to serve the people.
Most of the findings seem to be in accordance with findings from others studies such as Ritsner, Rabinowitz and Slyuzberg. (1995), they claimed that the greatest risk factors of demoralization are a greater number of distress sources, difficulty in dealing with conflict, greater discrepancy between actual and those expected.
  Professionalism can be seen from the conducts of the politicians in term of their behavior. In some scale, demoralization does affect the professionalism when politician using the closed or restricted policies in meeting them, in other term, an appointment should be made before meeting them and making then inaccessible. Politicians are considered as the public property where in certain cases, they have to forgo their privacy. Moreover, politicians tend to take politic as a business agreement instead of taking it as the responsibility of serving the citizen. Hence, demoralization can affect professionalism if politicians do not have a clear objectives and understanding what will be encountered in politics.
Every problem arises can be solved after having a clear view on the concerned matter such as the reason lies behind it, the symptoms and the implication of it. Thus, in order to combat the demoralization that able to drive politicians to involve in the so called dirty politics or money politics, certain suggestion has been point out during the interview.
6-      Conclusion
Clearly, demoralization has many faces and become more complicated in the modern day where globalization is inevitable. There are many factors that contributed to demoralization of a person such as background of a person, the environment he was living in, how his mind is seeing things and others factors. However, the mentioned factors seem to be significantly related to demoralization. In order to overcome this problem from happening again, there is a need for immediate transformation of educational systems in every aspect regardless the management system of institutions and its curriculum. There is also a need to create awareness campaign to the parent on how to bringing up their children given the social ill in this era is uncontrollable.

Frank, Jerome D,Psychotherapy: The restoration of morale.The American Journal of Psychiatry, Vol. 131(3), Mar 1974, 271-274
Lynch, Gordon (2007). The Collapse of Civilization? Progressive Spirituality and The Demoralization Debate.New Spirituality: An Introduction to Belief Beyond Religion (pp 132-135). I. B Tauris. London, GBR
MichealRitsner, Jonathan Rabinowitz and MichealSlyuzberg. (1995): The Demographic Psychological Inventory : A New Instrument to Measure Risk Factors for Adjustment Problems Among Immigrants. Refuge, Vol. 14, No. 9.,
Berkvens, A.&Boomen, B.J. (2009). Becoming A Better Politician, Political Skills Manual. Amsterdam: Alfred MozerStichting.
Yuri AlexandrovichBezmenoy during the interview conducted back in 1985.(http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wpSPqaD6iOo). Retrieved on 4 March 2012

*some part in discussion is missing due to forget to paste what i have cut....huhuhu

Prepared by :
MohdHafizullah Bin Abu Bakar
LE 4000
Section 47


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