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This blog is created as a medium to sharing my thought, my life and to write anything i want...
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I bear witness that there no other God except Allah, and , I bear witness that Muhammad (pbuh) is a servant of Allah and His Messenger...

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Penyakit Kita

Assalammualaikum....Selamat pagi dunia......

Cerita hari ni tentang masyarakat kita....penyakit kita....yang kita sendiri tak sedar....kadang2 tu termasuk la saya sendiri...(asyik nak salahkan orang ja, diri sendiri diabaikan, kata hafizullah kepada dirinya sendiri...)

Ceritanya bermula begini..Pagi ni, buka la facebook dan macam biasa, tengok update yang terbaru la....Gosip2....heheheehe....Masa tengah scroll down tu, ternampak la post dari abang anip, one of my clubmate(kelab jasa).....dia tulis, "HOOOIIIII....!! sape g like page ni?? tak check dulu ka??" dan page to betajuk i am proud to be muslim.....

Oleh kerana sifat ingin tahu kenapa bng anip berkata sedemikian rupa, mula la menjelajah ke page tu....ni link page tu,....klik disini lepas tu, bila dah tengok semua, ada 16 dari kawan saya yang like page tu....hum....bila tengok semua content tu, Ya Allah......banyak la pula yang menghina Islam....

masa tu tengok la ada la jewish gaduh ngan islam...yang si muslim ni pun pandai lak pi keluarkan ayat2 yang menyebabkan depa pon sama macam orang yang mengata kat orang Islam tu... Bayangkan, ada Muslim sendiri yang mengeluarkan kata2 yang x proper....hum....Bukan nak tunjuk akhlak baik, macam mana mereka makin suka nak kenakan kita....

sebab mereka suka nak buat macam tu sebab mereka cuma nak memperbodohkan kita...dengan sikap kita yang sama naik dengan mereka tu akan membuktikan yang Islam tu sama taraf ja dengan agama lain or maybe worse.....hum....tapi, segelintir ja umat Islam yang sedar....

tentang penyakit kita pula, kita ni suka sangat terima benda tanpa usul periksa.....bila ada kawan suggest ja page ni, group sekian2, kita terus ja like, join....pernah tak kita check dulu ka, apa2 ka.???jarang la....asal tengok ja tajuk i am proud to be muslim, terus like tanpa check benda tu.....

insaflah wahai masyarakat ku...tu ja la kot.....tapi saya like juga page ni sebab maybe nanti saya ada benda nak komen...bukan sebab suka2 nak like..

ni post saya kat page tu...
"to my brother and sister who are completely Muslim.....please behave yourself......watch your words...do not write words which are improper....i assume u all know what the words are....if u as a muslim, uttered the word, saying bad things to other, u might be same as them.....no offence my fellow friend(christ, jewish, and etc)...if t...his statement hurts ur feeling, i am sorry....sometimes, words can be perceived differently....right now i am trying to watch my words... for my muslims brother and sister, Rasulullah has said that he left us two things and we wont go astray as long as we keep holding these two thing tightly.....hope u all understand it...to the christian, jewish and etc, please take a time to ponder on Al-Quran.....think about its meaning..."

"my fellow brother(jew, christ and etc)>to understand Quran, u need to read it, to ponder it...to learn it.....from my personal opinion, english cannot tell the beauty of Quran.....the translation in english sometimes do not match the words in arabic....sometimes, the word in arabic is more superior than in english....which i mean, phr...ase in arabic cannot be explained in words....it can be explained by reason....thats why we have be given a brain to think....if u are able to grab the beauty of Islam, i am assured u, that u will never regret.....
“O People of the Book! Exceed not in your religion the bound (of what is proper), trespassing beyond the truth, nor follow the vain desires of people who went wrong in times gone by who misled many, and strayed (themselves) from the even Way” (5:77)"Quran....
if u learn back the history, u might get different view on the history of mankind from islamic perspective, western perspective.......darwin proposed the theory of evolution, which i am not quite agree with....Quran has stated about the creation of man in various place in Quran....ex: surah al mukminun(surah 23) verse no 12 until 14....it is clearly stated about the creation of man and scientifically proven....how can Al-quran can describe it clearly about the creation of man?????the history that i always remember is the history told by Quran...for me, Quran is a news from the past, present and future....applicable for those who think about it.....

ni ja yang saya sempat post...huhuhuhuhu...May Allah guides me...Amin..


@isHaH@but@lib said...

'Bayangkan, ada Muslim sendiri yang mengeluarkan kata2 yang x proper....hum....Bukan nak tunjuk akhlak baik, macam mana mereka makin suka nak kenakan kita....'

Betul sgt pak lah,kite nak tegur org yg kutuk Islam tp diri sendiri pun tunjuk sikap yg tak betul, mcmana org nak respek Islam sbg agama dan cara hidup.

COngrats , at least pak lah amek action di situ. Tahniah ye.

hafeez said...

Alhamdulillah.....credit juga kepada bang anip....coz dia yang mula sedar...

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