About this Blog

This blog is created as a medium to sharing my thought, my life and to write anything i want...
I will try to add some useful information in this blog...
Let's assume this blog as a medium of learning...

I bear witness that there no other God except Allah, and , I bear witness that Muhammad (pbuh) is a servant of Allah and His Messenger...

Sunday, March 27, 2011


The important thing is not to stop questioning… Never lose a holy curiosity. Albert Einstein
Curiosity is an important trait of a genius. I don’t think you can find an intellectual giant who is not a curious person. Thomas Edison, Leonardo da Vinci, Albert Einstein, Richard Feynman, they are all curious characters. Richard Feynman was especially known for his adventures which came from his curiosity.

But why is curiosity so important? Here are four reasons:
  1. It makes your mind active instead of passiveCurious people always ask questions and search for answers in their minds. Their minds are always active. Since the mind is like a muscle which becomes stronger through continual exercise, the mental exercise caused by curiosity makes your mind stronger and stronger.
  2. It makes your mind observant of new ideas
    When you are curious about something, your mind expects and anticipates new ideas related to it. When the ideas come they will soon be recognized. Without curiosity, the ideas may pass right in front of you and yet you miss them because your mind is not prepared to recognize them. Just think, how many great ideas may have lost due to lack of curiosity?
  3. It opens up new worlds and possibilitiesBy being curious you will be able to see new worlds and possibilities which are normally not visible. They are hidden behind the surface of normal life, and it takes a curious mind to look beneath the surface and discover these new worlds and possibilities.
  4. It brings excitement into your life
    The life of curious people is far from boring. It’s neither dull nor routine. There are always new things that attract their attention, there are always new ‘toys’ to play with. Instead of being bored, curious people have an adventurous life.
Now, knowing the importance of curiosity, here are some tips to develop it:

Be open to learn, unlearn, and relearn. Some things you know and believe might be wrong, and you should be prepared to accept this possibility and change your mind.
1. Keep an open mind
This is essential if you are to have a curious mind. Be open to learn, unlearn, and relearn. Some things you know and believe might be wrong, and you should be prepared to accept this possibility and change your mind.

2. Don’t take things as granted
If you just accept the world as it is without trying to dig deeper, you will certainly lose the ‘holy curiosity’. Never take things as granted. Try to dig deeper beneath the surface of what is around you.

3. Ask questions relentlessly
A sure way to dig deeper beneath the surface is asking questions: What is that? Why is it made that way? When was it made? Who invented it? Where does it come from? How does it work? What, why, when, who, where, and how are the best friends of curious people.

4. Don’t label something as boring
Whenever you label something as boring, you close one more door of possibilities. Curious people are unlikely to call something as boring. Instead, they always see it as a door to an exciting new world. Even if they don’t yet have time to explore it, they will leave the door open to be visited another time.
5. See learning as something fun

If you see learning as a burden, there’s no way you will want to dig deeper into anything. That will just make the burden heavier. But if you think of learning as something fun, you will naturally want to dig deeper. So look at life through the glasses of fun and excitement and enjoy the learning process..

6. Read diverse kinds of reading
Don’t spend too much time on just one world; take a look at another worlds. It will introduce you to the possibilities and excitement of the other worlds which may spark your interest to explore them further. One easy way to do this is through reading diverse kinds of reading. Try to pick a book or magazine on a new subject and let it feed your mind with the excitement of a new world.

i copied from http://www.lifehack.org/articles/productivity/4-reasons-why-curiosity-is-important-and-how-to-develop-it.html

My Thought Again...

"Knowledge is meant to be shared, its originality is meant to be preserved and its benefit is meant to be inherited."

hum...this is basically my thought during History of Islamic Economy Thought.... which taught by Prof Ataul Haq Pramanik.... um, it was a last class for this semester.... On Wednesday, 2.25 pm if i am not mistaken... At that time, he was teaching us about the scholar named Waliullah.... I was not pay attention becoz my mind was wandering away, remembering things that do not related to my stdy. Btw, at that time, as usual, his voice is so slow...sometime i can hear it, sometimes my writing seems to be louder than his voice..

at that time i was thinking about knowledge.... i am forget about what i have been thinking, since today is Saturday.....huhuhuhu... i cant remember and my note book for that subject currently on the shelve. hum..

let's go for the meaning of this thought. The reason is, the knowledge is meant to be shared because if we acquire knowledge, but we do not share it, the knowledge soon will extinct and the knowledge will be vanished...such a waste....

Then, for the its originality is meant to be preserved is basically, i was thinking that we should protect its originality, so, people cant modified it. Assume that, we love the original things... like shoes, and what ever  but, sometimes we noticed that people do not care about the originality of the knowledge.. example, students juz like to copy and paste without citing the source...hum.... As we, for muslim, in relying the hadith of Prophet, we must take the sohih one and do we ever think about the benefit from the system in narrating the hadith...???

And for the last sentence, suddenly it pops up in my mind.... hehehhehe.... that last sentence i dedicated it to someone/sesiapa whom might be a teacher later... i hope that u will be a good teacher, lovely teacher and everything la...hahahahaha...*aku dah mulai nak jadi sengal*

Then, my second thought, that was created on this evening at 7 p.m. while I am eting at Evoke alone and watching the commercial breaks.

"Curiousity is the source of revenue" *american=curiosity

hum.... what do u think readers?
does this thought make sense?
hum.... for me, it makes sense, since i am the one who think about it...hahahhaha

basically, i was kinda lonely dat time, hahahhaha....then, i saw the commercial breaks on the tv which displaying many attractive ways to capture consumer.... btw, curiosity means the eagerness to learn something....to know something.... which i notice that most of us lack of it.... From curiosity u can develop new idea, new invention or u might able to solve the mystery that was unsolved...

If u are the producer, curiosity might be good asset for you as ur want to learn, u will be able to grap more revenue, since curiosity will give u idea how to do it....

“We keep moving forward, opening new doors, and doing new things, because we're curious and curiosity keeps leading us down new paths.” which is the Walt Disney quotes....

i hope u can relate walt disney quote with mine...hehehhehehe..... Those whom possessed this trait might be considered as genius.... hum, as for my race, i am quite disappointed coz some of them only have this traits. and for me, i am still searching.... At least i am trying rather than not trying...heheheheh...

ok, assignments is waiting for me to finish it...hum, agak tension sikit....huhuhuhuhu...

 credit to Afiq Dosmy kerana sudi menangkap gambar saya yang ni...hehehehe.... i like....

Saturday, March 26, 2011

Price Discrimination in Islam

this is one of my assignments that i will share with others.... hum, quite incomplete i would say.. i would suggest those who are searching about this to read the following sites/books..

Published by: Nusrat Ali Nasri for Kitab Bhavan
1784 Kalan Mahal, Daryaganj
New Delhi- 110002

Business and Trade in Islam- 2
Edited by: Muhammad Moinuddin Khan, Dr M. H Yusuf
Published in India by Pentagon Press

Edited and translated by Bernard Lewis
Published by Oxford University Press


            Price discrimination from Islamic perspective seems to be a complicated topic for me to discuss and to dwell on since I cannot find a reference that discuss about this topic in a broader sense. Thus, I am trying to put my own thought about this topic. It is a good strategy to briefly explain about price discrimination from conventional point of view before as too grab the idea of it and try to compare it in Islamic perspective.

            Basically, the theory of price discrimination is originally come from the theory of monopoly[1] and its objective is to capture consumer surplus and transferring it to the producer as additional profit (basic objective in pricing strategy).[2] The meaning of price discrimination is Price discrimination or yield management occurs when a firm charges a different price to different groups of consumers for an identical good or service, for reasons not associated with costs[3]. Price discrimination is divided into two situations namely, direct price discrimination and indirect price discrimination. I am more concern to discuss about the former (direct) rather than the latter (indirect), which consists of first degree price discrimination, second degree price discrimination, third degree price discrimination, and two part tariff. However, in certain cases, only first degree and third degree price discrimination are considered as direct price discrimination.

            Price discrimination can exist when three conditions are met:
1-      Consumers differs in their demands for a given goods and services
2-      A firm has a market power (which means, the firm is not a price taker)
3-      The firm can prevent or limit arbitrage

All these conditions can be found in the market of imperfect competition such as monopolistic competition, oligopoly and etc. Apart from these criteria, I would to suggest another criterion which indirectly leads to a firm in practising price discrimination, which is the imperfect information or inadequate knowledge from the buyer side in a market. Due to the negligence from the consumer side to get the information has given the trump card to the firm.

            There are some advantages and drawbacks of price discrimination in market that will be useful in doing my comparison between conventional and Islamic point of view. The advantages of doing price discrimination are:

1-   Firms will be able to increase revenue. This will enable some firms to stay in business who otherwise would have made a loss. For example price discrimination is important for train companies who offer different prices for peak and off peak.
2-      Increased revenues can be used for research and development which benefit consumers
3-      Some consumers will benefit from lower fares. E.G. old people benefit from lower train companies, old people are more likely to be poor.[4]
4-      Consumers have many choices in buying a product if we take into consideration the indirect price discrimination.
5-      The deadweight loss can be minimized in certain cases such as in perfect first degree price discrimination.

While, the drawbacks of permitting the price discrimination are:-

1-      Some consumers will end up paying higher prices. These higher prices are likely to be allocatively inefficient because P > MC.
2-      Decline in consumer surplus.
3-      Those who pay higher prices may not be the poorest. E.g. adults could be unemployed, OAPs well off.
4-      There may be administration costs in separating the markets.
5-      Profits from price discrimination could be used to finance predatory pricing.[5]
6-      Being unjust with other group of consumers in price of goods and services.
7-      Leads economy to run inefficient as the price charged differently which we know that the money receive from another group can be spent in buying another goods and services in market.

I will try to explain the last drawback through this situation as I cannot present my idea in the concise way. Let assume that we are using third-degree price discrimination – practice of dividing consumers into two or more groups with separate demand curves and charging different price to each group. Rather than using my own idea that I am afraid might end up confusing everyone, I will state the example as outline in textbook:

“A well known liquor company has what seems to be a strange pricing practice. The company produces a vodka that it advertises as one of the smoothest and best-tasting available. This vodka is called “Three Star Golden Crown” and sells for about $16 a bottle. However, the company also takes some of this same vodka and bottles it under the name “Old Sloshbusket” which is sold for about $8 a bottle.[6]
The additional charge of $8 in “Three Star Crown” can be used to consume another goods and services in the market instead of wasting it for a vodka that is same with “Old Sloshbucket”.

      Since my interest is to discuss this matter from the Islamic point of view, I just provided some general outline about the price discrimination from conventional point of view. Does this price discrimination is valid in Islam? I cannot provide an exact answer about this question since I am still in the state of learning. However, for me, personally the price discrimination brings more harm than benefits. Before we dwelt on about this topic, let us understand how pricing should be done in Islam.

“The Holy Prophet pbuh said: Allah (swt) is the one who fixes the prices, who withholds, who gives lavishly and who provides. I hope that when I meet Him, none of you has a claim against me for any injustice with regard to blood or property.” (Ahmad)[7]

      Based on the above hadith, the basic pricing system is established. In Islamic economics, pricing is based on two criteria namely; justice and market determined where supply and demand interaction creates the price of an economic goods and services. These basic rules of pricing are introduced or I can say agreed by most of Muslim scholars.

      According to Abdus Samad, a PhD candidate from Department of Finance and Economics, Utah Valley University, in his paper titled of “Market Analysis from an Islamic Perspective and the Contribution of Muslim Scholars”, he mentioned that, The practice of price discrimination—selling the same goods at different prices to different customers—is considered equivalent to exploitation or riba. As such, such practices are prohibited in Islam. Some Islamic scholars, however, argue that the practice of selling certain goods and services such as baby milk to poor parents (rural market) at a lower price as opposed to selling the same baby milk to well-off parents (urban market) at a higher price to maintain a normal profit might not be inconsistent with the Islamic principle of welfare.[8]

      Since Islam prohibits monopoly trade due to various harms in its market and the consumers are the one who is affected most in that situation. Thus, we see that, monopoly has taken away the welfare or social benefit of a consumer and give a burden to consumer by imposing higher price than marginal cost.
      The majority opinion, which is also most in line with the aims (maqaasid) of the Sharee'ah, is that the prohibited monopoly is one that inflicts harm on people and makes it difficult for them with the monopolist's intention to sell when prices soar, and at the highest possible price. Whoever does this would be considered a monopolist, and his deed is unlawful.

Imam Maalik  may  Allaah  have  mercy  upon  himsaid: "Monopoly occurs in everything, including food products, jute, woolen or safflower products and the like; whatever, if withheld, would harm people, the withholder should be prevented from so doing, but if he is not harming (consumers) or their commerce, there is nothing wrong with it.
Imaam Yahya an-Nawawi  may  Allaah  have  mercy  upon  himsaid: "The wisdom behind prohibiting monopolistic practices is to prevent the harm that would befall people as a result. Scholars are in agreement that if a person possesses items that people are in dire need of, and they can not find anyone else to supply it, he is to be forced to sell it in order to lessen the harm and remove difficulty from people."[9]

      In conclusion, I am in a view of disagree with the price discrimination and more prefer price which determined by the interaction of market. As the price is the major determinant in consumption, if the price is market determined that is firm is price taker, we can see a lot of competitive firms interact and consumers have a choice to choose. Apart from that, due to competitive market, firms will become more creative in creating a product and in the long term, economy will growth substantially.

 *as we can see that the drawbacks out weight  the advantages. additionally, price discrimination seem to benefit firms which following the objective of maximizing profit rather than thinking about social benefit and social cost..

this topic need to be discussed in detail..and i am hoping that someday, there will be someone whom will revive back Islamic Economy. and i also hoping that i am one of those people....

[1] http://www.mcafee.cc/Papers/PDF/ABAPriceDiscrimination.pdf  retrieved at 1.15a.m on 20 March 2011
[2] Microeconomics 7th edition (page 391) by Robert S. Pindyck and Daniel L. Rubinfeld
[4] http://www.economicshelp.org/microessays/pd/price-discrimination.html (from 1st advantage until 3rd advantage) retrieved on 1.15 a.m. on 20 March 2011
[5] IBID (from drawback 1 until 5)
[6] Microeconomics 7th edition (page 397) by Robert S. Pindyck and Daniel L.Rubinfeld
[7] Modern Financial Transactions under Shariah by Mohd Ma’sum Billah (page 121)
[8] Retrieved from http://www.ibtra.com/pdf/journal/v4_n3_article4.pdf  on 20 March 20, 2011, 2.08 p.m

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Words that entertained me


huargh.... the time is 4.55 a.m... what? i am still in front of laptop?? what the hell i am doing?

actually, i am in the middle of completing my assignment... Alhamdulillah, the first part of it is finished... Now is my "masa rehat jap".... i dont know what to do and my mood of thinking has gone...maybe it taking a trip to venice... leave me alone, watching outside the window...hahahaha

ok, em, just wanna share something (lagi?). actually, i am in the middle of searching bout pricing in islam from the books that i have borrowed past few days ago... so, while searching, i got attracted in the column of humor.... these humors somehow entertained me, whom is aloe right now, since everybody is in their dreamland... i assume, they may have a sweet dream... dreaming of UK, wedding, food, and not to forget, dreaming of scary things..hahahahah...kejamnya fikiran aku...
" One of the fools of Quraysh was Mu'awiya ibn Marwan, the brother of Caliph Abd Malik ibn Marwan. One day, he was waiting for Abd Malik at the Gate of Damascus, by the door of a miller's house. He looked at the miller's donkey and saw it turning the mill wheel with a bell round its neck.He asked the miller, "why did you put a bell on the donkey's neck?" The miller answered, "Sometimes I doze or fall asleep, and if I dont hear the sound of the bell, I know that the donkey is standing still, and then I shout at it" Muawiya asked, "And what if the donkey were to stand still and move its head? How would you know that it is standing still?" The miller replied, "How should my donkey have the intelligence of the prince?"

Two men jointly owned a slave. One of them began to beat him. His partner asked him, "What are you doing?" The man answered, "I am beating my part".

Al- Hajjaj said to his children's tutor, "Teach them to swim before you teach them to write, for they can find someone else to write for them, but they will not find anyone to swim for them".

A man said to Ibrahim ibn Adham, "O Abu Ishaq, i would like you to accept this cloak from me to cover you." "If you are rich," he replied, " I will accept it, but if you are poor, I will not." "I am rich," said the man.  "How much have you?" asked Ibrahim. " I have 2000," said the man.  "Would you like to have 4000?" asked Ibrahim. "Yes" said the man. " Then you are poor", said Ibrahim. "I will not take it".

A man met another man who was riding on a wretched donkey. "Where are you going?" he asked. " I am going to Friday's prayer," answered the other. "Woe betide you, it's only Tuesday," said the first. "Yes" said the rider, "but I shall be lucky if this donkey can bring me to the mosque by Saturday".

A blind man married a black woman and she said to him, "If you could see my beauty and my loveliness and my whiteness you would love me even more." He replied, " If you were as you say, the sighted ones would not have left you to me".

The source of these jokes is from :
Islam from The Prophet Muhammad to The Capture of Constantinople.  Volume II- Religion and Society... page 269 until 286...

btw, i think these jokes have its own implicit meaning.... it make me thinking and happy at the same time. um, also make me sad when i was thinking bout its implicit meaning.....

have fun yup....  :-)

Friday, March 18, 2011

Traits of A Leader....

Today, i have something to share.... I found it while i was searching for a book that can help me in finishing my assignment.... I was looking at the historical shelves in the library this evening... Hum, why should i go for historical area when my assignment is all about the economy related thing? hehehhe.... i am actually searching for islamic perspective..... kinda difficult though.... i have not start it yet...soon, maybe.... with a lot of reading materials with the time constraint... am i able to make it? i will try my best....

so, what i am going to share is about the personality that should be possessed by someone who intends to be a leader... I found these traits accidentally in that historical area... ok, without further a due, i will share what i have found...(am i a emcee?) hahahhaha

It stated there, that Al- Farabi was intended of having a Al- Madinatul Fadhillah, and this nation should be governed by a person who has the following traits:

1) perfection in physical organs
2)great understanding
3)visualization of all that is said
4) a perfectly retentive memory
5) power to get at the root of things with the least argument
6) love in seeking, acquiring knowledge (i change it from its original translation, since it brings the same idea as i write her)
7) shunning of playfulness
8) control over desire: from excess in eating, drinking and sexual intercourse.
9)love of truth and hatred of lying
10)loved of justice and hatred of force and tyranny
11) never afraid of doing/making/seeking justice
12)possession of enough wealth.

these are the traits outlined by Al- Farabi... In addition of this, i will also include the opinion of Ibnu Khaldun... He said that a leader should has these criteria:

1) knowledgable
2) able to being just, practice justice
3) has the ability of wealth
4)perfection in physical condition

something like that la....em, i translated it from a book title of "Khalifah Umar bin Abdul Aziz. written by K.H. Firdaus....em, i think, i should write it in malay somehow....

Al- Farabi yang bercita-cita adanya suatu "Negara Utama"(Al- Madinatul Fadhillah) mengemukakan syarat bagi orang yang boleh mengendalikan negara utama itu, antara lain seperti di bawah ini:

1) sempurna anggota badannya
2) besar pengertiannya
3) bagus tanggapannya
4) sempurna ingatannya
5) cekap dan bijak berbicara
6) mencintai ilmu pengetahuan
7)tidak hidup mewah dan berfoya-foya
8) tidak keterlaluan dalam makan minum dan hubungan kelamin
9) cinta akan kebenaran dan membenci kebohongan
10) cinta akan keadilan dan benci akan kezaliman
11) sanggup menegakkan keadilan
12) mampu dalam penghidupan.

Syarat2 dari Ibnu Khaldun pula adalah:

1)Berilmu pengetahuan
2) bersikap adil
3) berkemampuan
4) sihat panca indera dan fiziknya dari sesuatu cacat yang boleh mempengaruhi cara berfikir dan bertindak....

em, tu saja kot....lagipun, saya ada juga nak ulas sikit, tapi asa macam x perlu lak...hehehhe...coz saya x baca habis pun buku tu....

btw, my post titled Mudharabah seems to be an important topic, Insya Allah, i will try to spend time to write more bout it....

see u soon....:-)

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Final TIMEtable....

juz reminder for myself.....

RKUD 3240 = HARI RABU, 6 APRIL 2011, 9 PAGI
FIN 3011 = HARI SABTU, 9 APRIL 2011, 9 PAGI
ECON 3410 = HARI ISNIN, 11 APRIL 2011, 9 PAGI
ECON 4010 = HARI RABU, 13 APRIL 2011, 9 PAGI
ECON 2111 = HARI JUMAAT, 15 APRIL 2011, 9 PAGI

wish me all da best ek...semoga saya dapat menjawab dengan jayanya...amin...moga ilmu yang saya pelajari diberkati...amin...

Monday, March 14, 2011

Temanku di kala aku berjaga


huhuhuhu..harini aku sungguh malas....3 kelas terponteng oleh aku...bukan 3 la...2 ja..yang 1 lagi tu aku mmg malas nak pi pon..hahahaha

semuanya gara2 aku amatlah letih semalam....penat berkejar ke sana ke sini...perh....bangun pagi tadi ja macam x da kaki....huhuhuhu....mmg letih gila... hah...semalam ada program urwatul mahabbah..Mahallah Ali ngan Mahallah Halimah....i will blogging bout it later....

sekarang ni nak ceta tentang ni ha......

ada dekat berapa botol yang aku dah simpan......asal beli ja keja longgok tepi meja...arini baru aku nak buat sebab aku ada masa coz ponteng klas tadi...hahahaha....

aku suka air tea....ok....tapi, coffee pon aku ska juga la.....macam ni la...aku indifferent antara coffee ngan tea.... selalu nya, kalau aku nak berjaga malam, aku akan cari la lipton ni.....dulu aku terpikir nak beli kettle and bancuh sendiri...tapi, aku x beli2 gak...so, tiap2 malam aku nak tido lewat, aku akan g beli air ni....

aku tengok2 balik tadi, banyak juga aku beli....ehhehehehe.... napa aku beli air dalam botol ni ek?
1) aku suka
2) x yah la aku nak nyusahkan diri turun g cafe.
3)jimat duit sikit..kalau aku beli botol kecik, rugi la aku..botol kecik rm 2, botol besar ni rm 1.80
4) aku x la membazir...kalau aku beli bngkus, kadang2 aku mnum x habis.

hum....tapi, kalau ada yang strawbery or tea yang berperisa tu lagi bez....uhuhuhu...saya nak tea yag berperisa.....dulu ada pernah soh orang belikan, since saya n x pernah jejakkan kaki ke Cameron Highland tu lagi..... yang saya suruh orang beli tu pon, masa saya still kat matrik nilai....
btw, the past is meant to be remembered ja kan....hahahaha....skang ni, saya kadang2 more ke italian punya style la plak..... minum mocha, cappuccino, and seangkatan dengan nya....ok....

nak out...ada keja menanti....se u soon...

Friday, March 11, 2011

Psychology Portfolio Day...


Hari: Jumaat
Tarikh: 11/03/2011
Mood: ok2 ja....hehehhe
hum....macam mana nak start ek.....starting memang aku ni agak lemah...huhuhuhu..bagaimana harus ku mulakan penulisan ku harini????hahahhahah

macam ni, hari ni, aku banyak berjalan....hahahaha....bangun tadi ja, terus pergi mahallah office...nak jumpa dengan principal....nak minta signature dia coz dia silap sign....huhuhuhuhu.....dengan berbekalkan semangat waja, hati yang penuh dengan semangat, aku melangkah kaki ke mahallah office dengan satu azam...setelkan semua perhitungan aku dengan principal....oit...ayat macam aku da clash of interest lak...hahahahah....tu saja2 ja aku nak menambah..hahahaha

macam ni sebenarnya, aku rancang nak spend pagi jumaat yang indah dengan jalan2 kat portfolio day tu, tapi, sebab principal silap sign, aku terpaksa la menjejaki principal untuk dapatkan sign dia semula....huhuhuhu...pergi mahallah office ja, staff cakap semua pergi mini audi....ada briefing.... dengan perut aku yang berbunyi irama dangdut dan diiringi dengan bunyi rintihan hujan, aku melangkah kaki g breakfast kat cafe econ...

habis breakfast ja, aku g la kat mini audi tu,...tengok2 pntu dah tutup...."ah, mesti dah bermula dah briefing tu" kata ku sendirian...ceh, bermonolog la pulak aku di situ....hahhhaha.....ok la, aku pon x ska buang masa menunggu kat situ, aku g beli paper and meneruskan perjalanan aku ke CAC......hah, kat CAC tu la berlangsungnya Psychology Portfolio Day.... awal tu aku ingat nak g sorang2 ja.....pastu, aku teringat yang Azrina, hah, ni bukan awek aku or apa2 ek...ni awek orang dah ek....azrina ni kira classmate aku la...dari matrik lagi.....hah, aku teringat yang azrina ada keja kat cntre arini, dia ada la cakap dia ada keja nak setelkan masa ngah discuss ngan dia kelmarin...dalam perjalanan nak g klas....so, aku msg la dia...ajak dia...hahahaha...pastu, sampai sana ja, masing2 bawa haluan masing2...

ya la...banyak benda bez kot.....aku ke mana, dia pon ntah ke mana...aku mula2 masuk tu dah menganggu komiti kat situ...ngacau anak dara orang ja aku ni....hahahhaha.....aku stop ja kat kaunter2 yang bez.... hah, aku wat ujian stress kat situ, lepas tu level of confidence, memory,men game, ngan aku punya cnflict mnagemnt...ada kaitan ngan leadership gak la....hahahahaha....

so, result nya, aku punya stress masih lagi di tahap normal...... masa dapat result tu, sempat lagi aku ber"joke" ngan komiti kat situ...hahhahha....lepas tu, aku punya level of confidence pon agak ok juga...hehehehhe.... pastu, aku punya conflict management style pon agak ok la juga....hahahaha....sukanya saya....hahahaha...lepas tu, aku dipuji la masa kat kaunter/meja conflict management tu.....sister tu cakap kata aku la 1st guy yang try bnda tu....ahhahahaha....bangganya saya...bagai terbang di awang-awangan...ahhahahah.....masa tu pon aku joke juga....."x nak tangkap gambar saya ka???" aku ingat diorang nak respon ok...tapi, rupa2 nya, diorang wat tak layan ja....hahahahha...padan muka aku....

hahahaha....macam tu la aku cuba menghabiskan masa kau dan one of the ways untuk aku managing stress aku...ahhahaha...lau stress ja, kita enjoy...hahahaha..... i want to spend more time kat situ, tapi, sebab aku x dapat sign principal lagi, aku mula la men"calling" principal...tapi x dapat...pastu, aku tengok jam dah dekat pukul 12 lbih...apa lagi, bergegas la aku ke mini audi balik....sampai situ ja, aku leh dapatkan sign bro Shukor ja....pastu contact ngan Principal mahallah lain since aku x dapat hubungi principal aku...pukul 1 aku g menunggu dekat bilik principal mahalah lain tu...at last, aku dapat juga sign dia.....hehheheh....Alhamdulillah, aku sempat hantar ke Studen Services Division petang tu juga....lepas solat jumaat trus aku setelkan.....

habis hantar ja, ada discussion....bergegas lak ke discussion.....huhuhuhu....lepas habis discussion, balik la ke bilik dan buka internet dan online lalu....hahahahha.....hah, harini aku ajar committee biro aku slang terenganu n klantan skit.....walaupun aku orang kedah..... committee aku tu orang singapore..... so, aku balas mesge yang dia hantar kat aku tu, aku cakap la bereh...pastu dia tanya bereh tu apa...hehehhe....

so, harini aku agak happy, wlupun semalam aku agak x happy....hahahahah..sat ja aku x happy.....hahahahahha....btw, secret remains where it should be kept....hehehehehe....

P/S: sorry x da gambar...aku x tangkap...mmg x sempat....coz aku dah la dalam time constrain punya mode, so, aku utilize benda tu elok2....huhuhuhuhu....

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Aku Mulai Menggila...

hahahhaha...tajuk sewel ja aku rasa....oit2..bagi yang baca tajuk ni, sebenarnya, aku bukan ada penyakit gila or sewel or pernah masuk hospital tut.... tu... aku mulai menggila ni, coz aku dah addicted kat satu benda ni..... sampai aku tido lewat selalu and utilize masa elok2 untuk benda ni....

mesti tertanya-tanya kan, gerangan benda apakah yang aku maksudkan....hahahhaha....ni la aku nak habaq ni....aku mulai membaca....tapi, bukan buku yang aku baca ni.....benda yang aku baca ni adalah manga......ala macam komik tu...korang mesti tau punya...hahahahhaha

hum...manga apa yang berjaya menjerat hati aku selepas hati aku terluka bi ek???hahahaha....ayat sentimental siot....manga yang bertuah tu adalah manga 666 SATAN ...... tapi, manga ni juga merosakkan aku weh....sengal punya manga.....bagi la bez2 sikit.....huhuhuhu... tengok tajuk sudah.....

so, aku nasihatkan kepada budak2 bawah 18 tahun, sila jangan baca manga ni..... ada unsur 18 sx, pl, dan lain2..... dekat dua hari aku tido lewat sebab natang ni...hahahahah....sengal aku....hahahhaha....

selain daripada tu, aku juga tergila2 lagu B.O.B yang tajuk dia Ghost In The Machine ngan lagu Tired of Being Sorry oleh penyanyi DO u Know tu...payah ah nama dia.....

asignment aku berlambak menanti......program yang banyak harus ku participate.... dan aku perlu mencari semula titik kestabilan smething tu...ahahhaha....

Monday, March 7, 2011

Dasar Tertutup....

hah....napa aku asa nak menulis ja ek skang ni...malas gila aku nak belajar...serius aku dah start malas nak blajar ni.....aku cukup x suka mood ni...besok aku ada kuiz kot....buku x sentuh....sengal punya aku.... yang aku baca ja, komik, manga online....manga kartun ek...bukan manga buah tu ataupun manga lock tu ya adik2...ahhahaha

currently, aku ngah baca manga 666 satan.....hahahaha...tajuk macam kufur gila kan...hum..pandai2 la aku baca.....hum, ceta dia dari awal sampai skang ni, chpter 6, ayat alone ja aku nampak...terasa siot aku....ceh...bagi ayat bez sikit...ni tentang alone ja....hum....malas ceta tentang tu....

ah, pasni aku mula memikirkan policy tau.....policy dasar tertutup...ahahahhahaha...knapa ek???? macam bez ja aku tengok dasar ni....aku tengok naruto ada dasar ni, aku tengok komik/manga pon ada gak dasar ni.....

oleh kerana terpengaruh, aku pon nak try juga dasar ni....effective ka tak...ahahhahaha.....agak2 korang, efeective tak??????

hum...kita try apply dulu la..tngok ok ka tak...hahahaha...

jumpa lagi...mau tido..malas dah mengupdate and baca manga....btw, aku deactive smthing..hahaha....adoi, aku ingat nak update private tu, tapi x da idea...nnti ja la...

hum..lama juga aku x hisap shisa ni....rindu lak kat pembunuh yang lebih hebat dari rokok tu....adoi...kalau aku extend cuti aku kan bez...leh aku ajak sapa2 g hisap...tapi sapa ja yang ada...wan gemuk ntah ke mana menghilang.... tapi, ok gak, since aku x da duit..macam na nak open table...cuti 5 bulan nnti la...ahhaha

Balik Rumah......


hahahhaha...lama gila aku tinggal blog aku ni......hahahhha..nak kata bz, x sangat....nak kata malas...ya la juga...nak kata stress, ada juga sikit...so, jawapan nya subjektif....

hum....minggu lepas aku ada wat keja gila sikit.....ahhahahaha...apa keja gila tu ek?????aku lari dari hostel....
hum.....lama juga sebenarnya aku x balik rumah...masa mid break aritu aku x balik pon...spending my time dekat UIA tercinta ni....kata sayang UIA kan...ahahhahahaha...

agak boring juga la masa mid break tu...ya la...semua balik rumah...aku ja yang x balik...gila ka apa aku ni????? hahahhaha.....btw, bagus gak aku x balik...aku tido puas2 kat bilik ni ha,.....bangun makan, solat, tengok katun, online sampai lewat pagi and tido sampai petang....ahahhahahha...bapak bez gila hidup...sumpah bez...x payah pk study or apa2...ahhahaha

apa yang aku wat masa mid break tu???apa lagi..melayan boring aku la....hahhahaha....
hum, tapi, minggu lepas aku balik juga rumah.....hahahahha...hari khamis...bgun awal pagi...pastu, tertido and ponteng klas money banking..aku asa, sem ni aku truk sikit...bnyak la aku pontng klas....hahahaha...tadi pon ponteng juga.....risau pon ada ni...hum...

bukan jenis aku la nak ponteng klas ni, tapi ntah napa lately ni, i am enjoying ponteng class....bez2....lantak lah kat aku...ahhahaha...berani la aku tanggung...hah, petang khamis aku balik tu, aku ada pre reg...dah la macam sial ja hari tu...stress aku...lambat gila aku leh pre reg...x pasal2 aku x dapat sbjek...adoi.....

lepas pre reg tu, siapkan asgmnt...aku hangat hati gila kat sorang grup mmber ni...aku dah la nak balik rumah...mana sempat nak hantar grup asgnment hari jumaat...sumpah aku x hantaq la hari jumaat....punya la penat aku tunggu dia hantaq...dia x hantaq....stress sial...tapi sapa pon tak tau...hhuhuhuhu....

last skali, mamat tu bgi emel dia...aku tngok balik, dia silap alamat emel...aku bgo hotmail, dia p taip yahoooo....sampai mati aku x dapat..... setel print asgnmnt tu, g makan kat evke....aku dah set dah tok iftar, tapi, sorang ja yang dapat datang....yang lain, aku assume masing2 ada keja la...malas pk negatif...buang masa aku ja bnci orang.....hahahhahaha... i used dah ngan alone tu...so, x kisah....

lepas solat, aku g bilik lectrer and baling asgnmnt bawah pntu...ahhahaha..pastu terus balik bilik, ambik beg.,...balik rumah...nasib ada bas...aku nek bas balik kuala nerang kol 11 malam...aku beli tket pukul 10.55....mantap gila aku nya timing...hahahahaha....

ceta aku nak balik rumah tu, rahsia la..bnyak part tak bez sebenarnya....reason aku balik????hahahahha...rahsia juga.....

lpas subuh, dalam pukul 7 lbih, kol mak soh ambik...hehehehhe...awal tu, aku tido ja kat bangku masjid sampai subuh...bapak nyaman gila...lama gila aku x wat keja macamtu...hahahahah....dah la sampai rumah awal pagi, dah kena dera....skali skala balik kan.....kena g ambik gas lak...dah la tangan aku ni tak leh angkat bnda berat sbb patah dulu, tapi, aku men angkat juga tong gas tu....hahahahah.....

aku mmg ska cari nahas kan......hahahha..biakan ja....hari jumaat aku juz dok umah ja...celebrate besday adik muzafar and tengok air hujan turun....hujan turun lebat kot hari jumaat tu...perh,...nasib bek dok umah pak jang....ada makjang, maksu, mak cik, pak cik, pak su ngan budak2 tu...lau x, aku asa aku menangis macam hujan tu juga la...lau aku dok soang2...ahhahahaha.....malam tu, aku ingat nak g lepak mah wan cat....

tapi, hujan x berenti..aku kuar kedai ja....online guna handphone sampai habis btri...hahahahah....puas hati aku.....hari sabtu tu, aku kuar date.....hahahaha...siot nya nizom...aku janji jumpa pagi, dia lak x leh.....so, tunda ke petang..lau x, petang aku tu leh spend ngan geng2 wan cat, kcu2 awek...hahahahaha.... tapi, petang tu, aku kacau gak awek sorang...ahhahah....cun kot.....dah la kacau kat kedai yang tokey dia tu kenal abah aku.....bapak nnti dia repot.. xpasal jatuh kredibiliti aku sebagai jejaka macho...ahhahaha

perasan....well, cuti aku kejap ja...so, x banyak benda aku wat...ahhahahaha....hah....masa balik aritu, aku ada nyusahkan wan cat...hahahahaha....tket aku nak balik KL dah x da, so, aku kena g beli dekat Alor star....adoi...kol la wan cat, ajak g alor star...jumpa dia, dia tanya nak g nek apa???x kan nek moto mu kot...nek moto aku la cepat sikit sampai....natang toi....tau la ang nek 125....ceh....masa balik dari alor star tu, tengok ada sebiji 125 accident...patah tengkuk...perh, lau moto aku tu, serius aku sayang gila...sumpah aku menangis, emo, trauma setaun...125 beb....adoi....pastu, nak sampai kuala nerang, tengok kancil lak accident....perh..masa tu aku dah pk dah, kalau la masa aku dah tiba, ok ja, since aku dah kat umah.....aku teringat gak masa aku dok lumba moto dulu...mmg bez gila....

sayang, aku kena balik hari ahad, so, aku x leh melepak bnyak sangat...rugi kot...nikmat melepak tu satu kepuasan bagi orang yang x da awek macam aku ni....hahahahaha....lau aku tau bateri nset aku mmpu tahan tanpa cas, aku x bawa blik dah charger tu...hahahaha...

ceta aku balik ke KL lak, aku asa x yah ceta kot....x bez sangat..nnti orang ngutuk aku lak...ahahhahaha....tu ja aku mmpu kongsi....

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