About this Blog

This blog is created as a medium to sharing my thought, my life and to write anything i want...
I will try to add some useful information in this blog...
Let's assume this blog as a medium of learning...

I bear witness that there no other God except Allah, and , I bear witness that Muhammad (pbuh) is a servant of Allah and His Messenger...

Monday, August 2, 2010

My Thougt During Malaysian Student Leaders Summit......

This is a post containing my thought during Malaysian Student Leaders Summit (MSLS)........
At first i wanna write about my first day and second day there...but i am not in the mood of explaining because i am quite tired.... However, it contains my thought during second day.

"Back then I was no one, now I am turning to someone"

"The way people perceive things like a light gone through a prism"(which mean we are focusing on one same topic, but the outcomes are vary)

"Appearance sometimes tells lies"

"There is no absolute freedom. In certain cases, freedom has its own limit"

"As an economist, you are not studying about human behaviour, but you are studying about yourself"

"The definition of economics is a science of study human behaviour and how to allocate scarce resources in effective way. However, my definition about economics is about studying myself, managing myself and how to make decision based on scarce resources."

"Sometimes we need to thanks dummies because they have made us happy with their actions. As we know laugh is the best medicine."

"We should be wise enough to evaluate every situations"

"Wise people never shows their arrogance"

"Leaders today do not learn from previous leaders"( i mean during caliph time and Rasullullah"

"Politicians try to be smart on the floor/stage but they do not realize that they are showing their stupidity in front of audience"


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