though u said u will follow what them have suggested, but in the end, u make ur own choice....tough u said it was coincidence and u cant avoid it, but u are urself and others.... coz words that had been uttered cant be erased from people's mind.....u juz making a story to satisfy urself....the story of lying...
the story of lying.....juz another secret that i always bear alone....
though i think what u have said to me to be true....but, in the end, it just another sweet words that melt down people thought....
for certain people, they might forget what have been said, what have been happened for the past years back.... they might also have throw away the story of past....
me????? sometimes i forgot bout it, and sometimes i always keep it running in my heart, my mind and my thought....coz i wish it to be true..... however, the result is something that i have been locked deep in my heart... do u ever think, when u lying to someone, make someone believe what u have said, make someone hope that what u said was the truth???? do u ever wonder about the emotional state of that person if s/he knows that u r juz lying??????do u ever placed urself in their situation????
think twice or more than twice before u are lying....if i am offered with two choices, either to hear the truth or the fake, i would rather pointed for the truth even it hurts like being in hell than taking a fake that juz provide u with a temporary paradise.....
in Islam, lying is forbidden..... from my perspectives, once u lied to others, the lie will eventually absorb into their mind and may be a hope for them, a devastated happiness later on... once the words entered the mind, it cannot be undo by juz uttering the reason why u are lying....
a better method for someone to talk with me is, i want u to be honest, try to explain things to me, and i hate people who lied to me......coz i really do not like that kind of attitude.....
i know that we are just a human being.....i may forgive u, but it takes time for me to believe u back.....i know i am not perfect....i did lie to others, but i am trying to lie things that people will be happy if they know the truth.... i am trying to lie things that people will remember me, appreciate the wisdom behind my lying stories....however, the crucial question is, am i able to be a good liar????without them know the truth????? that's why sometimes i prefer to be silent....
thank u...sorry if "ada orang trasa" untuk diri sendiri sebagai peringatan....coz saya dah banyak kali ditipu.....saya tak suka tipu orang sangat.... kalau saya salah, tegur saya.....this is juz another abstract thought that have been disturbing me and i cant get rid it off my mind.......
Once kita mula menipu, ia akan jadi satu habit. This happens to me before, and I didn't even realized how bad I was sbb dah jadi sebati.
Skrg, insyAlah tak buat da. For those who are thinking about lying, please don't. It'll eat you up. Betul x pak lah?
One ore thing, forgives and forget if you know someone's lying to you in your face. It's hard tapi kalau terus fikir quite buang masa la. Better move on. (pernah kena jugak dulu. hehe)
yup.....betul tu ecah.......sebab tu kalau menipu berdosa...hehhehehe.....
perlukan kekuatan untuk moving on....maybe sometimes perlukan masa....n maybe lama2 get used too add....thanks ecah...
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