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I bear witness that there no other God except Allah, and , I bear witness that Muhammad (pbuh) is a servant of Allah and His Messenger...

Thursday, April 7, 2011

I am Afraid of the Examination


tomorrow, i will face a final examination for Public Finance, and day after tomorrow is Financial Management II....
This is the first time in my life, i am being afraid of examination... Do not know what had happened to me "sampai takut macam ni"...huhuhhuhu....
Basically, i am not type of person who are afraid of examination. that was me, i think. Now, quite different.... Maybe it is becoz i am thinking of pursuing in Master... quite a late decision. baru2 ni ja fikir nak sambung Master.... 

Honestly, since i was in primary skool until past sem, i was not afraid of exam. coz for me, previously, exam is nothing... Coz i am seeking for the sweetness of knowledge.. Thus, i am not concerned about my grade or whatsoever. Coz my ultimate objective at that time is TO LEARN...
However, as we all know that, we are facing the growing up process... we need to be more matured... need to think more broaden.. need to think about other... and a lot of things we need to think... I shall summarized that we should think one step ahead from the present time.,....

Now, as I have widen my mind, i found that i should change my attitude... i hope, it is not too late... Here are the reasons why I am afraid of tomorrow examination:

1) Public Finance, as the name suggests, Public always create problem.. always dissatisfied, always complaints, always and always....and then dump all the "thinking part for us" said gov..... hahahhaa... The reason i cant deal with this subject in positive way due to, I cant understand this subject..
2) this subject consists of many types of tax, theory, structures, effects, benefits and etc...ok?
3) I cant understand the way the text book presented... honestly, i quite confused with the explanation.
4) I am afraid of not able to present to the examiner what i am understnd regarding that matter.
5) i am afraid of not being able to apply the knowledge.
6) afraid of cannt continuing my Master...

banyak lagi yang takutnya....tapi, yang paling penting, saya takut sangat2 dengan exam tu, sebab saya tak faham subjek tu sebaiknya..... saya x dapat nak relate or apply bnda tu ngan real situation.... saya x dapat paham bnda tu berfungsi macam mana.... benda tu yang buat saya amat frust sangat..... saya belajar sebab saya nak faham.... saya bukan nak grade.... tapi, untuk public finance ni, saya faham, tapi, sampai satu ketika, saya jadi confused... 

before diz saya mmg ada fikir nak belajar ja...cuma lately ni saya mula fikir, kalau saya belajar ja, tapi x ajar, x bagi manfaat ilmu yang saya pelajari tu, apa gunanya saya belajar... sebab tu juga saya mula takut dengan exam...

hum, malas merapu lagi...saya nak sambung study lagi sikit wlupun x paham sangat... InsyaAllah akan cerah hati...Amin....

exam....nantikan kemunculan ku yang tidak pernh gentar dengan mu kerana, prinsip ku  yang tidak takutkan semua benda kecuali ALLAH..... akan ku cuba menjaga prinsip ni...Amin..


.Cik Nana. said...

paklah..relax sajee..bak kate org..go with da flow..okeh?u can do it la~~

hafeez said...

ok...thanks cik nana....apreciate that...

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